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I just bought a minn kota 55lbs. power drive. And was wondering if any one could tell me a good battery to get for it, or one you have had good luck with.
Hey oldman55 your best bet is to go get the most expensive one money can buy. -JK- I hear that the optima is good.
Just go get an instate RV 27 battery they run about 70 to $80......

I like the Optima's. Costco has the blue deep cycle marine Optima's for $149.00, it is the best price I have seen on them. They are suposed to last twice as long as a standard lead acid wet cell design. They don't spill or leak acid, you never have to think about adding water, you can mount them on any angle they recharge quicker than a wet cell, and will with stand many more full cycle discharges than a standard wet cell lead acid battery. I run two of the yellow Optima's that are a combination deep cycle and starting battery. One just for my trolling motor and one for starting and my accessories such as fish finder, marine radio etc.

What ever you get make certain that it is a true deep cycle not just a marine starting battery.

Enjoy that new trolling motor!
I have a deep cycle I bought at Sams. I used it twice on my tent trailer and then we sold the trailer. If your interested I would give it to you for $30 just to get it out of my garage.
It probably 2 years old.
If oldman55 isn't interested I am. Send my a PM if oldman55 dosn't want the battery
I have a deep cycle marine from Sam's that really takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. I like it so well and it's lasted so long that I bought another last fall. They've been sitting in the boat all winter in sub-zeri weather. I hooked them up to the trolling motors last week and they spin like a top. Best of all ... they are the best Sammy's has and they only cost 65 bucks. Just for info and not to disagree, all the reading I've done on batteries says not to use the Starter/Deep Cycle batteries. One is built for high amps when starting and the other is designed for slower discharge and can be harmed when used as a starting battery. The double duties aren't supposed to last as long as a battery engineered for a single purpose. I've only had one double duty which wasn't anything like the Yellow battery mentioned above, so don't have any on the ground experience with the high dollar model.