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The scouts in my area are insistent on going to Rockport to camp and ice fish this weekend. My earlier experiences this year were lost of marked fish and no bites. I haven't tried it in the past month. Any success stories, recommendations of what part of the lake to fish, bait/tackle that worked or tried and didn't work? I welcome any suggestions. They hope to catch 2 species of fish for their merit badge. I recommended Mantua, I've done great there, but there are no hills for them to slide down. Thanks in advance for the advice.
My suggestion as far as Rockport,, Go to Nellie..
I agree with Coldfooter, go to Rock cliffs area. It is easy access and the scouts should be able to catch rainbows and perch. Perch on the bottom and rainbows a little closer to the ice.
Good luck.
I was there last saturday and caught 20 perch and 4 rainbows.
[Wink]If yer gonna go ta Rockskunk -- take dynamite.
The camping part of Rockport will be fun, but the fishing won't be much fun. In my experience with scouts, they don't fish for very long if the catching is slow. If that doesn't matter, Rockport will work.

Rockcliffs at Jordanelle is a much better choice for fishing. I fished there last weekend and had alot of fun.(19 perch, countless small trout) We are taking a group of scouts up this Saturday.[crazy] Rockcliffs is a good opportunity for snow fun too. Folks sled down the boat ramp all the time. I don't know if the campgrounds are open or not. The roads to some of the campgrounds are plowed, so you may want to call and check the possibilities of camping there.

Guess it boils down to:

snow football and sledding = Rockport

snow football, sledding, and fishing = Rockcliffs

hope this helps