I have been on this site for a while and finally decided to join. I appreciate all the info. some of you have provided. Hopefully, I will
be able to return the favor.
I live in the Bear Lake area, and am glad the ice fishing has finally started.
[red][size 3]Welcome aboard!!! Glad to see more Bear Lake locals post on BFT. I ice fished Bear Lake last Friday, and hope to do again real soon. Keep us informed of the conditions as you see them!!![/size][/red]
Welcome to BFT! It is always good to have several people who can keep us up to date on the Big Bear. We have several folks from over in that area on the site now. Each person has a unique prospective on fishing and methods and so we look forward to your reports.
Welcome aboard. I have to ask about the monicker "cadresults"
What does it stand for?
I do a lot of drafting work (AutoCAD) and other "CAD" (Computer Aided Drafting programs. Its easy to remember I guess?
It is warming up over here. I am hoping for some cold weather. I would be a little nervous on the ice.
Cool thats what I figured. I'm a design engineer with about 12 years of Cad Experience.
That makes three of us. I have 7 years in CAD drafting, with 5 of those in Premium Grade architectural millwork.
Cool, I have been working with Solid works. It has some amazing power but transfering to Auto cad pretty much sucks (no p-lines just a grundle of segments)[

welcome aboard cadresults looking forward to your reports. if you need a couple bft stickers shoot me a private message and ill mail some to you.
Welcome aboard. Good to see others joining this group of lost souls[

]. They're a great bunch with tons of fishing knowledge.
Petty, I've been trying to find some of those stickers my self. I'd like to buy a half dozen or so , I want to put them on my truck and boat and the tackle box ect ect. Do you know where I could buy a few? Thanks mktgw
sent you a pm