with hundreds of choice out there.it is tough to make a deciesion.i just picked up some line from RIO.the nymph line to be exact.has anyone used any line from RIO? will i be happy or dissapointed?
You will NOT be sorry, Rio is awesome line. What is the nymph line, a WF with a different taper?
thats good to here.it is similar to a bass taper.with all the weight at the tip
[inline "rio line.jpg"]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]In today's high tech world I don't think that one can go wrong buying a line from any reputable manufacturer. I just happen to prefer SA Master Series lines. As with any other good lines they don't come cheap. [/size][/green][/font]
RIO is a great company which makes fantastic lines. Does this series have the new "agent-X" on it? I heard it floats like a cork.
I have been using the Cortland Dyna Tip and it is one of the ultra floating lines. I Love it. I also have the Sylk line. Pretty neat line.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Hey there Curtis to answer your question - Yes[/size][/green][/font][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4] Rio has developed a radically new Super Floatation Technology that is five times lighter than the standard microspheres used in fly line manufacturing. I guess one could say that AgentX is the future of fly line manufacturing.[/size][/green][/font]
I cheat. On all my floating lines, I either cut off the pre existing loop or on the lines that don't have a loop, I attach Orvis Hyfloat tippet material and make a small butt section with either a loop or I tie one of my self tied tapered leaders. Any line will float with that stuff.
Rio is my second choice when it come to fly fishing. Well I should say for dry fly fishing. I love that Triangle Taper from Wulff. Rio is my first choice for everything else. 3M is a close second
well i got to try out my new line,and i can't believe the differance,it flipped out that strick indecator with ease and little effert,and the floatation was great never seen a flyline sit so high.just too bad the fishing was as great,especially on an openning day