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Full Version: newest name weave
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I came up with this design about a month ago after seeing a guide company with it's name like this. it turned out ok. later
[cool][#0000ff]Pretty creative, Chuck. You do good work. Ain'tcha glad your name isn't Fernando or something with a whole buncha letters and syllables?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'd be concerned though, that whenever you released a fish that it didn't read your name on your rod and go back to tell all the other fish to stay away from Chuck.[/#0000ff]
[Wink] thats a good one dude. bug[Smile]s. rod looks cool chuck. you guys let me know on that title. see ya soon chasing eyes!!!!!!!!!
lookin sharp.

congradulations on your new title under your name...
Thanks Dave, I've been trying to learn how to do multi layerd weaves so I can change colors and get more detailed pictures. but the weave loom to do those weaves are kinda pricey. 250 -300.
later chuck


I'm just amazed at you talent
Thanks, it's an addictting hobby that I started a long time ago. I could do somthing for you for a good deal, like that flag you have in your name box. that wouldn't be too bad to design on graph and make instructions. think about it, that would look pretty cool on your fishing rod. later chuck
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Hey, Chuck![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Glad you took over this board. Though I may not be contributing, I'm definitely reading all of it. I'm setting up my area and getting ready to get a little more involved with the rod building. Believe me, I'll be asking plenty of questions and most will be dumb ones! LOL![/size][/black][/font]
Thanks, ummmm if I remember,, Rich,
hey!! if you're going to get into rod building I have one of Dale clemens rod wraping book, I could let you borrow it if you would like. just let me know. later chuck