Fishing Forum

Full Version: fishing reports????
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so am i the only fisherman in this state?? LOL

any reports?

hit the steam plant a while back..skippies are few and far between, kitties are showing up a are the stripes...nothin special tho.

just bought a boat...95 bass off to the lakes i go

It would seem to be that way unless every one else is just bashfull.[angelic]

I too am just a wannabe Tenn angler.
Nah, I'm still here. My dad's girlfriend has had some health problems the past month or so and I haven't been fishing much since mid january. We just went out thursday for the first time and didn't catch much. Only 'good' catch was my carp that I posted in the pic of the month section. We went again today at the steamplant but much wasn't running. We decided to go to the Cheatham dam and it took awhile but I found the spot that the small stripers, hybrids and white bass are running. We caught a few and only bothered bringing home one medium sized white bass. At least they are back up there now, the last time we were at the dam, the river was running heavy and muddy with 20 foot trees floating down it and the water level was about 15 feet higher than usual... We will be trying out the dam and steamplant again now that we are back fishing and hopefully we can post times, locations and gear best for what is running soon.
I see you are sporting another title these days, congradulations.

Besure to look at the top of the main index the next time you to the the main forum page,

good luck,