
][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]
Have you ever had a fly rod break? Fortunately I have never had any type of rod break [knock on wood] for there is always a first time? If so what did you do? Was it covered under warrantee or did you have it repaired?[/size][/green][/font]
I have had two rods break. One (the Cabela's Stow Away) I was fishing the Uinta's when a lightening storm moved in-and FAST. In trying to get out of my tube and the water (plus holding a 7' graphite rod) the line got wrapped around the tip and trying to reel it in as fast as I could, 4" of the tip snapped off. Took the end guide, cleaned it out, put it on the tip and glued it. Gave it to my nephew (no warranty) a few inches shorter, but still very functional. The Other was an 8wt. Orvis TLS. Opened the tube and the tip was broke (don't know how that happened unless someone I let use it didn't put it back in the tube right) Full warranty, good as new.
I do have one of the earlier T3's and at $600.+ I was not happy with the cork, the same with the one oz. superfine, sent them back and they are beautiful now. Full Warranty.
Had an Orvis Silver Label 3wt that I leaned up agains the back of a mini van. The wind came up and swung the door closed on it. broke it clean. Full warranty. They replaced it no problem.
That was the best dang three weight I have ever used. Don't know why I let someone talk me out of it.

][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]
That is the problem with accidents. They happen so fast [although watching it is like an excerise in slow motion] and you can't take them back.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]Orvis is sure good about their guarantee.[/size][/#008000][/font]
I had a tip break while I was fishing on the green. It was sicking. It was covered in the warrenty however
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]I think that S&H is just a new way for companies to increase their bottom line. Ordered a lens filter the other day that included a shipping cost of $3.95. The postage was $1.20 and the envelope coundn't have cost them more than 20 cents. Asthey say when in Rome do as the Romans do. Glad that you could mend an old friend back to good use.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][blue][size 3]$30. seems to be the norm nowadays, but I am sure that there is exceptions. It also, depends on what season you break your rod. I broke mine in the late fall and got it back in about 10 days. But, the ones that broke their rod in early spring through summer had a longer wait. (more breaks that time of year).[/size][/blue][/font]
I could write a very lengthy book on the rods I have broken over the last 30 years and the reasons why they broke. I have had snow fall from trees , car doors, dogs, fish, and the ceiling fan to name just a few. Hell , let's not forget the swallow that took a BWO hanging from the rod in the wind while it was against the truck.
Sage has heard ever excuse possible for warranties, but they are still amazed when I explain each and every accident.
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]Somewhere along the line you must have really p--sed off Mrs Murphy. But I guess the most embarrassing situation had to be the rod in fan bit. No?[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 4]I guess that we should include another board within this forum entitled " A funny thing happened to me today on the way to the??" Thanks for sharing those tibbits with us hpb.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][blue][size 3]I could add to that board daily[cool][/size][/blue][/font]