My father and I went up to Hailstone area on Wednesday afternoon and got on the ice around 2:00. After trying around the small dock to the west, we walked across the bay and fished off of the points where TubeDude did so well. The perch action was pretty steady, though many were small. I did manage a fat 16" rainbow on the first drop into a new hole. After the light perch bites he felt like freight train hitting it. All in all a great day on the ice.
Sounds like a great time. Thanks for the report!
Welcome to BFT! Thanks for the report. How was the ice holding up?
Sorry I forgot to mention the ice conditions. It varied between 8" to 10+" on wednesday in the areas we were fishing.
Nice report and nice bow.
Could you resize the photo it took 5 minutes for the photo to open. 3MB is an X-Large picture.
MGB, sorry about the picture size I forgot to resize it. Hopefully it should be better now. Tugboat
Perfect size. The picture loaded right up.
I was up there also in the morning, but didn't like being the first on the ice and reading about all the rain. So we scooted over to the rock cliffs. We got out and lines wet around 8ish, between me and my buddy we iced about 24 in just a couple of hours some real nice fish. This is the fourth time I've been up there in the last three or so weeks and I had only caught a couple of fish over 13" and few browns. But on wednesday we caught about 7-8 browns and I got a nice fat 19" male with a big hook jaw. We caught almost all of them on white paddlebugs tipped with a little piece of worm and a little ball of powerbait. They haven't seemed to be at all as consistent unless the pb is on there. After we got those 24 we headed out to try to find some perch in deeper water but no luck. Just more trout, we left around 2:30 me with 17 and my buddy 14. All caught and released to fight another day. No camera, I really need to get a cheap digital!
[cool]Nice report, Tugboat and welcome to the board! I think I saw you guys on the webcam for a couple of minutes Wednesday. I can't wait to get out there tomorrow afternoon for my last ice outing of the season...
Thanks for the update. I had been wondering how the ice had been holding up in the weather. I need to get up there before ice off to bag some perchies!