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2 different pics , enjoy !
kool, nice turkies, deer and big foot behind the tree beside the turkey.

the only thing I have seen lately is a porky pine in the town of wixom last week (southern oakland county), I would have stopped and grabbed him if it werent for the traffic. (road kill) would have liked to have a few quills.

dont think any one would want to see a pic of the soon to be greese spot.

tell ya what I havent seen in decades is, thats a badger. I did see a panther and a mountain lion in wixom.
Dave??? you seen a what where when?
I seen a badger a few years ago .
it was up around lumbermens ..
I was bow hunting and it walked up my trail
on my way too my tree stand....
it didnt like me one bit ..hahahahahhah
them badgers are nasty little critters for sure. I heard tell they will stand thier own up aganst a bear.

that was a porky pine, ya know one of them tree eattin critters. I have seen them north of frankenmuth but never down here till the road kill, It would be my luck I was fresh out of road kill helper that day....
I've seen the porkeys around Brownstown and in the Monroe area , picked a few quills out of the black labs nose more than once .

Quite a few badgers around here , but never seen one as road kill yet .

You can tell spring is here , dead skunks line the highways between here and town . Those Canadian honkers are all over the place now .
The herons are all over the flooded farmfeilds , I bet iI have seen close to twenty in the last week alone .

There has been one cougar print sighting reported this winter that i know of , less than a mile and a half from my place .