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Full Version: Making a Carolina Rig
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[font "Arial, Helvetica, Geneva"][#000000][size 2]Thread a buoyant Power Worm onto a barbed-shank hook, leaving the point exposed. Or, use a worm hook and bury the point. Then tie your hook to an 18 to 36 inch leader attached to a slip-sinker rig. The Carolina rig is a excellent choice when you're deep-water trolling. The rig's swivel prevents your line from twisting up.[/size][/#000000][/font] [Image: photo1.gif]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]A lot of the guys out at the lake use the Carolina rigs except that they are using Power Bait for the stocked trout. [/size][/green][/font]
The larger version of the Carolina rig is my favorite rig. I use it for Catfishing, flounder, Drum, sheepshead, and many other fish. The difference is using a 2 or 3 ounce egg weight and a different hook depending on the species. It really is a great rig because of how natural it allows life bait to present itself.
works ok with live worms also.and some other live baits.