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Full Version: Is this for real....New Record?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]That is a freakin huge bass! I don't think it will be a record though, he said he foul hooked the fish. [/#ff4040][/font]
That would be a hard decision for the IGFA. They need to physically weigh it themselves or have a Fish & Game official verify it. The guy did weigh it but didn't record any length or girth measurements. That alone would be grounds for disbelief.

If it is real, then it is one sweet bass.
[Image: 060320bigbass.jpg?SSImageQuality=Full]
That is one sweet bass. I would have taken measurements if nothing else for a reproduction to be made. That is the fish of a life time. Glad to see he released it to grow some more. [url ""][Image: 4_17_8.gif][/url]

[url ""][Image: sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb068&pp=ZNxdm801BNUS][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]He couldn't have kept it, it was not legally hooked. I would have also gotten measurements for a replica. That would definitely look sweet on your wall![/#ff4040][/font]
It's always nicer to mount a replica of what you let go.[cool]
I actually called and asked what you have to do if you think you have a world or state record. There is alot of crap involved. First, it can't just be weighed, it has to be weighed at an IGFA approved weigh station. Of course there are exceptions granted a registered weigh station isn't availible in the area. All the tackle stores in your area would be able to tell you if they are or not. Next step would be to call the DNR.(atleast I would get them involved) You need as many pictures from different angles that you can get, especially with a tape measure showing girth, fork length, over-all length, and anything else you think might be helpful. You have to send in an application and the first 50 feet of fishing line on the reel you used to catch the fish. I know myself, i'm in the hunt for a few world records myself. I think everyone goes through fases fishing. SOme want quanity, some don't care, and then you hit the "trophy" stage. Some people relate to all three, which is normally me. But I want a record this season, infact, that was my new years resolution. [cool]Here's some good reading for all you "trophy hunters" like me:

1) Don't delay! Remember, don't delay in weighing your fish. There are a number of elements that may cause your fish to lose valuable weight if you wait too long (The worst mistake is leaving a fish in the sun, which can sap ounces, even pounds, off a fish in no time at all).

2) Weigh your fish. Immediately return to shore and weigh the fish on an IGFA-certified scale. If you don't have a certified scale, drive to your nearest bait and tackle shop, they will most likely have a certified scale for your use.

3) Take pictures. Photographs are the only way IGFA judges can ensure your catch is real. Take numerous photos of your fish from as many angles as possible. Also take photographs of your fish being weighed on a scale. Plus, pictures are the best way to convince the toughest judges -- your friends!

4) Line samples. IGFA judges require that you send at least 50 ft. of the line used to catch your fish. Testing must be done to ensure the class record of the fish. (Different rules apply for fly records. See IGFA "World Record Game Fish" book for more details.)

5) Entry form. Once you have your pictures and line samples, fill out the official IGFA record form and send in your documents. To obtain a form, call IGFA at 954/941-3474. Be sure and make copies of all materials sent for your records. Send the documents to: International Game Fish Association, 1301 E. Atlantic Boulevard, Pompano Beach, FL 33060, Phone: 954/941-3474.
If it is legite it is a multi million dollar fish! That anglers life is about to change, WOW!

Dixon is known for monster bass and although I though the next record would come out of Clear lake it woudn't suprise me if it was legite.

Tarpon4me raises a great piont, it is not easy to certify a world record. Everything has to be done just right so it will truly be a shame if this angler didn't dot his eyes and cross his t's, which it sounds like he didn't. The article makes it sound like it wasn't measured or weighed on a certified scale.OUCH! He wouldn't be the first.

There were 2 diffrent anglers who apparently broke the record at Clear Lake but thet didn't certify the fish right, (what a shame)! If you think you broke the World Record you really have to keep the fish if you wont the millions of dollars in awards, endorsment, etc...
One other thing that makes you wonder is that it is awful close to April Fools Day, and many sites have leaked press release of this record being broken on April fools. It has gotten pretty hard to fool anyone on the actual day. Any chance someone is playing an early prank.

We did an April fools World Record Broken and had 28,000 plus people view it in 2 days. Heres a link to our old prank:
[url ""][/url]

We had little tips in the article and photo but it still ended up on radio and news shows. Thactual fish was a retouched 8lb Perris Lake Bass.
It's definately a fact that a world record game fish could potentially be worth millions! So, with that said, it doesn't hurt to do some research in the local area. Get a game plan together just incase you DO land a record fish. Know where your weigh stations are, go ahead and call the IGFA and get some forms together and keep them in your truck. Maybe BFT can organize a way to get those forms to our BFT members with out all the hastle. Ask yourself these questions:

1.What will I do and where will I keep the fish should I catch a record?

2.Do you have storage on your boat capable of transporting a large fish of the species you're targeting??

3.Do you even know the current state and world records?

Something else you may want to consider keeping on you at all times is a high quality digital camera and a soft tape measure. Some fish, like Red Drum, can't be kept over a certain size. Thus, you HAVE TO LET THEM GO, or be able to keep them alive long enough to get them to a scale. So you have to make record of the fish right then and there VIA pictures and on the spot recording. I keep a water-proof pad and pen with me, along with my camera and tape measure.

One of the big reasons I take the prep work so serious is that last year my brother in-law landed a World Record Bowfin in one of my "secret fishing holes" I took him to, and didn't even realize it until a week later. It weighed nearly 30 pound, which would have beaten the Record by a little over 7 pounds. I took a single picture of it, which i'll try to get on a CD so I can post it. I wasn't sure of the current record and figured it was way over that size, I couldn't have been more wrong. Though a bowfin isn't a game fish, and it probably wouldn't have warranted much materialistic value, it's more so the theory behind it all. I let a world record fish go because of my own ignorance. So take it from me, just because you're not fishing a world renowned lake, river, or body of saltwater; doesn't mean there isn't a record fish there. So don't take it for granit. Be prepared. I know for a fact any body of water has the potential to produce record fish, if you treat it that way, you may come out far ahead of the pack.
Just my opiniopn here , but from someone who has 10+ years in the industry of digital imagry this looks to be a fake. Sorry [crazy]
all of us hope that there are fish out there like that. i know i do! just curious how can you tell its a fake?
First off lets look at the social aspect- There has been no coverage on sportsman tv or the big outdoors espn2 ect.

Second lets look at the physics- his pose is unnatural, if I were holding something heavy I would want to hold it close to my body, and with a prize Bass I would be taking more care.

Third the technical aspects- The focus is all wrong for that type of picture, the fish just simply doest belong. His outfist is distinctly 2 different shades of that black( his sleeve holding the fish is darker than the other). and you need to look at the fish carefully. It looks to be 2 tyoes of fish put pogether.

Just my oppion though, I could be wrong.

i can kind of see what youre saying. i kind of thought it was funny that he was struggling to hold it- why not use two hands. as far as the sleeves go, could it just be wet from getting the fish in? wouldnt that make it seem darker? or am i just hoping its real because i like to believe that those kind of fish are possible? lol thanks for the analysis- really interesting.
Personally, I think the picture is real. I can understand the theory behind what stickfigurefrank is saying, however, what I see is a very real, new world record. The shading on the guys face, arms, and on the bass all match, hints the sun direction was to the left shading the right. The detail on the bass is distinct and very real, right down to the wear on the ends of the basses fins. (can you see where they have split and wore, typical of large territorial fish battling, and simple wear from brushing against structure) If you look close enough, you can even see the lateral line on the fish. The belly has no stretch marks and the scales are not pulling appart, so it's not possible that the fish was packed with anything making the girth more than it is, it grew to those proportions naturally. Personally, I think the guy needs a pat on the back. That's a nice fish, and that fish didn't get that old by being stupid. With that said, I feel he should be credited for his angling skill, and we all should be so lucky to land a trophy like that some day.
That one was easy to spot.

1. April Fools Day

2. Fiction Lake

3. Marc Deliar. That is spanish for Mike the Liar.

Mmmmm, that's interesting. There I was patting the guy on the back for catching a huge fish.......When instead I should have been patting him on the back for one hell of a slide show. [laugh] He shure had me fooled.
There are some good people out there with Photoshop. There are also some lousy people out there with Photoshop.

Just like our other bro here said, Some of the detail just don't add up.

I'm sure that if anyone had any sense, there would have been 100 or more photos with tape measure, scales, different angles and such.[cool]
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Well, apparently thanks to many opinions like those expressed here the "controversy" is over. They have withdrawn the application for the world record. Now honestly read the story and tell me that you still think these guys photo shopped that pic. These are well known and respected anglers and there was also plenty of video as well so lets just give the guy some credit shall we.

In Connecticut, you can apply to receive a trophy fiah award from the DEP if your fish measures a certain length for catch and release, but you can't get the state record title for that. That can only be obtained if the affidavit is signed (by a witness if it was released, or by the person who weighed the fish). They make you include a picture of the fish as well. Weighing is to be done on a state certified scale.

I am not going to try and judge these guys since it is very probable they did catch a big fish (given the lake's pedigree). However, having as much evidence as possible is important, so let that be a lesson to anybody into catching record fish!