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Full Version: Furled Leaders
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Question for all you Fly Fishing and Tying people. As you know I am strictly fly fishing (Not apposed to bait or spinning, just don't).
There is that problem about right leader, the cost, keeping the taper for casting specially after changing several flies, etc........
I recently got into FURLED LEADERS. I am not talking about the braided ones that Orvis has, but furled and made from Uni thread 0/6 or 2lb mono, or even nylon sewing thread at .004 or .005.
These things are so cool and all you do is add tippet to the end you you only need one!
I have been experimenting with different lengths and tapers, but I like the 5' by Kathy Scott the most.
They are easy to make and the material is minimal.
Has anyone else tried these?
Yes I have. A few years ago I had the biased opinion that they were for people who couldn't cast. It does make laying a leader out correctlt pretty fool proof but I have stuck with it because you may only need one leader a year instaed of multiple leaders. Here is a link to Kathy if anyone is interested.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Thanks for posting the web hpd. Nothing wrong with making a GOOD caster a BETTER[Wink] caster.[/size][/black][/font]