Fishing Forum

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The Greatest Place to Fish<br><br>My favorite fishing spot is a quiet place where nobody else goes. <br><br>It is a place where the water is always clear and calm, where gentle breezes caress the trees above, where the sun peaks around fluffy-white clouds. <br><br>It is a place with no planes in the sky, no cars passing by, no boats to wave to, no bothersome humans to worry about. <br><br>It is a place where the moose and bears visit, where the ravens and eagles keep watch, where rabbits and squirrels provide company, where Mother Nature still reigns as Queen.<br><br>It is a place of enchanting harmony, where my mind can roam freely, drifting through the past and present, floating toward the future. <br><br>My favorite fishing spot is a place where I could care less about catching any fish.<br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com