well tried willard today only got to fish till about 11:30 am and did'nt see many fish on the finder and fished out the north marina and west it did'nt seem to active when i had to head in there where alot of boats headed out wondering if any one had any luck well hope you did better then i well im going to try again tommorrow
I went to Willard today from 3:30-6:00. Like you I didn't mark too many fish just singles here and there and did not catch any. The main purpose today was to see how the boat would run and I was not disappointed the boat ran like a champ. Felt good to get on the soft water again.
Wiperslayer and I were out there today also, we were marking a lot of fish in several locations but only had a few bites. Did you launch from the South marina Mike? We talked to Old_Coot for a while, he had not caught any the last time we seen him.
I launched from the South marina kept the outboard opened up all the way to the island then trolled to the light pole and back to the island. Then took a quick spin so I could open up my out board one last time then called it a day.
Myself, son and a friend were also out from about 4-6pm. We launched from the south marina (Green and Yellow Crestliner). We trolled from the southwest corner to the light pole and then moved over and trolled around the feed lot. No luck anywhere, although we did mark some fish, mostly in the northwest area. It was great to be out of the house anyway. I look forward to meeting some of you guys and hopefully doing some fishing together. Great day, the kid had fun.
Hi okieman. If you like fishing for wipers and want to meet some of the good people on this board you should sign up for the wiper contest. Its all about having a good time and having a good dinner afterward. All levels of wiper fisherman enter the contest. So what do you say? Sighn up you will not regret it.
I think we saw you guys out there today, we were in the white Lowe with the red stripe down the side. Did you see that crazy water skier out there along the West dike? WH2
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850] Like you Mike, I too wanted to see how the ole tin-bin was running. And yes, it did feel good to get out there.
I launched around 8:30 and left the lake around 4:30. Met up with Team Wiper (Ira and Kurt) on the water and chatted for a good half hour and still didn't get all the world's problems solved.
Just after team wiper left, I did hook up with the biggest fish I have ever caught at willard ... a 9 1b carp! Don't worry everyone ... I realeased it back into the lake unharmed (excep for where I snagged it in the tail).
Watter temps ranged from 39 to 41 degrees. I kept marking good marks up on the east side by the freeway in about 20 feet of water. I used a prety decent varity of lures but no takers. I fished east, north, and shouth but I can't even say I got a single bite all day.
What do you think is the magic water temp for wipers to start biting?[/#002850][/font][/size]
70 is the ideal temperature. "Temp for wipers to start biting" would be in the mid 50's. It will still be slow but most anglers will be picking them up.
It sounds like friday was a bust for pretty much everyone. After loading up the boat for its maiden voyage 06', stopping and picking up brats and chips to cook up for lunch, and that final quick run into smith and eddies to load up on all the wally rigs and crankbaits that have been swallowed by the snagmonster, we headed to the north marina. I ran in and picked up my annual day pass (worth it!), and we headed to the launch. This is when we (as getting boat ready to launch) realize that in all my double checking for my fishing gear and food and little bbq grill and.... i had left all the lifejackets hanging on the wall in the garage![unsure] Well this being the first sign of how the day may go i decided it was worth it to run back to O-town get the lifejackets and head back out to the south marina, being we intended to be on the water around tenish, after all our disorganization and forgetfulness, we hit the water at 12 and started trolling down the east dyke towards the feedlot, i had one bit hit down just past the feedlot that got my drag going for a secend then gone! Now the fact that i got a nice hit in the first 20 mins out got all our hopes up, fual on the fire so to speak, though that would start to dwindle down after trolling out by the island then to the light pole, talking to a couple other bots who were just as skunk smelling as my partners and I. We headed to the southwest corner and followed it around to the marina again, nothing else, nada, zip..But what a goods time[

], the boat ran great, the water was mostly so nice and glassy, only one boat dragin a skier and they actually seemed to be watching out for the little boats, and staying away from them[

], It was much better than sitting inside, watching t.v. and letting the cabin fever set in anymore.
Couple more weeks hopfully it really start to pick up on the catchin out there, because evertime you go the fishin is fine!
The water skier definitely caught my attention. I'm not a skier to begin with, I'm good at drinking the water, thats about it. I surely wouldn't be out there in 40 degree water. We'll give it another try this week.
Well I do like fishing for them, can't say i'm very good at catching. It sounds like a good time, When is the contest.
The contest is May 20th. It does not matter how good you are at catching wipers. Last year there where a few guys that did not catch anything. This one guy had a 3 year stretch where he had been skunked every time while fishing for wipers but he entered any way. Sign up, you will walk away knowing more about wiper fishing, you will meet new members and you should end up with one or two of TheAnglers prizes that he is going to be giving away.