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Full Version: Lake Powell Striper Fest
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The weather finally cooperated with a fishing trip to Powell. BigBuck, Woodpile, Macman and myself have been planning this for the last couple of months and finally were able to geterdone.
We made the 7 hour drive down on wednesday morning. We left at 4 and were on the water by noon. We launched at Antelope boat ramp and headed up stream with two boats full of gear, after cruising for a few hours we headed back past our trucks and built camp between the dam and Wahweep. Sweet little spot, except for the giant tsunami's that were generated by the Mondo tour boat..2 times daily running at 9 am, and 2 pm. The 9 am was'nt a problem beings how we were fishen but the 2 pm, washed macmans boat so far up shore that I thougt we were gonna need an air lift to getter back in the water..
We were able to set up camp and still get a few good hours of striper action on wed at the dam. Except for a short brain fart on thursday, we fished the bouy's on the east side for 2 full days and caught at least 130. We fished wed evening all thursday and friday till noon. We filleted enough fish to turn me into a peta supporter. My hands are still in pain from all those poky things that are attached to those 26 inch swimmers.
We had a blast.. we were catchen one fish after another, it was not uncommen for us to have 4 fish at once, most people were coming over and tien right up to our boats just to catch a few for the day. Seemed we had the hot bouy or at least we were holding our mouths right. Seems most those fish are diffenatly on the down swing in their life cycle, so I guess its better to have them in the freezer than on the bottom of the lake, or at least that is the theory. I would of posted sooner but my take of the tasty swimmers was pushen 50# of fillets. Ive been standing over the sink trimming them up and removing the blood line. I think Ill be ok on fish fillets for awhile, in fact Im thinken about haven MGB over for a swimmer dinner..see if I cant get him to enjoy fishing a little more. Hmmm.
Dang Skip! Looks like you guys single handedly reduced the population by a few hundred pounds! I'll bet it was a blast catching all those fish. I don't envy your task at the fillet table though. Hope you enjoy all the eats!
Great report! You have got to love Lake Powell when the fish are biting. Sorry to hear they are starting on the down cycle, they are major fun and strong when they are healthy. Enjoy them buggers they are tasty.
Hey Brandon...

guess we should of dragged you along..would of split the chores bye 1/6 which sounds great to me..course would of increased the catched bye the same too..ah well twas extream fun..and a fillet table would of been a dream to have, bent over on the rocks just added to the pain!! We should plan another trip soon, while the bites on..the rest of the guys will post their pics as soon as they get them pulled from their cameras!

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]What a great trip. Thanks for the report. Man, nothing like a hot bite with stripers to get you going till you have to start filleting! LOL![/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]So were you just jigging those grubs or were you also using bait?[/size][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Hi there Skippy, fantastic shots you guys took. Thanks for sharing , I do have a question? I have never been to Lake Powell and yes I know I need to fix that problem, but I am wondering what is the barrier that your boat is up against in your last picture. I was thinking it might be something near the dam?[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
That looks like some awsome fun. I hope to make it down there soon, I haven't been this year yet. Did you guys catch them all on those green curly tails or did you have anchovies too.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]Way to slay them fishies skipy. Looks like you guys had fun, but I would have hated to filet all those fish also. [/#ff4040][/font]

Another one that should of been with us!! I hear you can fillet a mean swimmer??

we were using anchovies tiped on those jigs that macman is showing, also chumming when the the bite was on! It seemed that most people that came over to find out why we were catchen so many were just using a chovie on a sinker...and those jigs were just killen them!!

Those barriers we were tied up to are the ones that keep boats away from the dam..I think its a home land security thing. They make great anchors tho..

For the most part Mac Man was the only one out of the four of us that had ever been to powell, and he had never been down to wahweep, so it shows that any body ought to be able to go down and get some winter meat with no problem??[Smile][Smile]
Sweet report Skippy . It good to get out and fish .

It is a blast catching them when the bite is on. Next time you go, take a couple elec. fillet knives. Wahweap marina has fish cleaning stations with electricity, running water and a disposal. Makes filleting almost fun. It certainly takes the back pain out of it. One fillets and skins, the other cuts the ribs out. Jed burton and I knocked down 75 stripers in about 2 hours. Can't wait to do it again!! Soon...

[cool]Awesome report, Skipy!!!!! Man, that REALLY makes me want to go down there this September to participate in the topwater bite. I can't wait to go down there.
Big Buck had the electric knife,,he wouldnt we were campen and wanted to fillet daily...its too hard to pack 60 fishes up the ramp to the station....other wise them are the ticket. Saves on the back...[pirate] Here are some more picks from the others...
[Wink] Nice pics there Skipy. I am heading down in April the 26th to the 30th. Were goin out of Bullfrog with a house boat. Its are yearly trip. Catch some nice Swimmers as you call them and the bass are in the spawn. Great fishin. After seeing your pics gets me even more excited to go.

I am also going back down for a week in Sept. the 10th to the 15th. Great times ahead this year.

I do plan to set a date to load my boat and take my family is nice to just set up on a beach and hang for a few days...I hear them house boats get pretty spendy in the summer? How does a fella get to do that with out taking out a loan...I sure would like to give it a try?
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Hi Skippythelurker, I was wondering is you could give me an idea of about how much this trip cost you guys. Either totally or each, not sure how you guys worked it out. The trip sounds like a blast and I might just need to start doing some figuring.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Awesome report Skip, how do you keep all those filets fresh after so many days on the water? Do you pack dry ice or block ice down there? Thanks for sharing the pictures and the report. WH2

it was close to a hundred bucks...not to bad when you split gas..far as food not to bad...couple of dinners and some snacks.. cheap really. Heck I think woodpile lived on two packages of hot dogs and coffe for 3 days....that double quarter pounder combo meal on the way home was the best one ive ever eaten![sly]

wh2. we were their for a total of 3 days..anchovies were on dry ice and one cooler had the fish ice in this time of year it wern't to warm...75 on friday but probly in the low 40's at night..
Looks like I missed out on some fantastic catching. I should of taken you up on the invite but I didn't want to "ABANDON MY JOB" in its final days. There should be no reason for you guys to keep any willard wipers this year since your freezers will be full of stripers.

Great report and pics.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Anytime you're headed down that way, let me know. I like fishing for stripers and I been know to fillet a few and can fry those pups up too! LOL![/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Being that close to Wahweep, camping at the marina might have been better with a cleaning station right there. I have access to free camping in the campgrounds at both Wahweep and Bullfrog in the full hook up RV areas. Also I have a 5 cubic ft freezer that we plug in right at camp and freeze our catch as soon as it's filleted.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Are you ready for the wiper tourney? I need someone to chatter with on the radio. Last year I laughed my butt off![/size][/black][/font]