01-21-2003, 08:06 AM
[cool][#000099][size 2]Well, the HD one outfit challenge didn't quite come off as planned. HD was on a 2 day prior and was in posession of mucho highly disqualifying gear.
I also succumbed to the lure of YT and rockfish in the counts and showed up with two!
This proved fortunate for one angler who had some equipment problems. "Here ya go" sez HD. "You can use this one..." And if ya know HD then ya know it WASN'T a Zebco outfit he loaned out. How often does THAT happen on an open party trip? [/size][/#000099]
I started Sunday night by learning my truck had developed an intake leak. No idle. I learned this as I was driving to pick up donuts for the crew. "No sweat. I'll switch vehicles after I pick up the donuts." WRONG!
Donut shop closed!
After two phone calls during the day to make sure what time they closed. GRRRRR! I grabbed a couple boxes of cinnamon rolls from the grocery next door.
Switched vehicles & made it to the landing. When I got on the boat I found that my 1 qt bag of tackle had spilled in my tackle bag. I searched my path from car to boat & retrieved some iron, lead, etc. Some days....
We left the landing with 14 head which ranged from a few newbies with rental rods to four gentlemen who showed up with a dock cart full to the gunnels with rods & bags!
After loading up with assorted sizes of 'choves & dinos we headed south. The plan was to start at the Finger Bank, work around for rockfish & stop at North Island on the way back to see if the YT were home.
Fishing was a hit & miss pick throughout the day. Some groups of fish chewed, some weren't havein' any. We picked up a nice mix of smallish lings, some nice sized bocaccio & other assorted rockfish. JP went to a nice Johnny bass about 8 or 9 pounds. Not an epic day, but the weather was great and everyone took home a nice feed or two. We didn't have time to stop to look for the YT. Another day, maybe...
Most fish were on the live dinos. On a couple of stops they showed a preference for mackeral strips, and a few came on iron. Simple double dropper loop with 3/0 or 4/0 hooks & 8 oz of lead was the common setup.
HD's Bait Bomb: Here's how ya make one. Take a 6X Jr sized jig equipped with one of those newfangled "stinger" hooks for iron. Hang what appeared to be about a half scoop of bait on the thing & heave it over the side. Bring a towel because the mighty splash of the bomb hitting the water might get ya wet!
Then HANG ON! The darn thing actually WORKS!
The larger bocaccio just couldn't seem to get enough of it. Lings like it, too.
This was my first trip on the Pacific Voyager out of Seaforth Landing. It has an excellent reputation, and well deserved. The crew were all hard working pros & took the time to make sure the newbies put some fish on the deck. The food was standard overnight fare. I had the breakfast burrito which was VERY tasty & filling, and made even better with a few dabs of HD's Honey Habenero sauce. WHOA! [shocked]
The coffee was pretty darn good, too. Mr Jeff does an excellent job in the galley
Bunks are arranged in kind of open "staterooms". 4 bunks to a space. Very comfortable. Double deckers with plenty of headroom. About as good as it gets on an overnighter/2 or 3 day. I'll certainly be trying to work in a tuna trip on the Pac Voyager this season and would recommend it to others.
I had a pretty good time!
![[Image: bigsmile.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/bigsmile.gif)
![[Image: wink.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/wink.gif)
I started Sunday night by learning my truck had developed an intake leak. No idle. I learned this as I was driving to pick up donuts for the crew. "No sweat. I'll switch vehicles after I pick up the donuts." WRONG!
![[Image: sad.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/sad.gif)
![[Image: shocked.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/shocked.gif)
Switched vehicles & made it to the landing. When I got on the boat I found that my 1 qt bag of tackle had spilled in my tackle bag. I searched my path from car to boat & retrieved some iron, lead, etc. Some days....
We left the landing with 14 head which ranged from a few newbies with rental rods to four gentlemen who showed up with a dock cart full to the gunnels with rods & bags!
After loading up with assorted sizes of 'choves & dinos we headed south. The plan was to start at the Finger Bank, work around for rockfish & stop at North Island on the way back to see if the YT were home.
Fishing was a hit & miss pick throughout the day. Some groups of fish chewed, some weren't havein' any. We picked up a nice mix of smallish lings, some nice sized bocaccio & other assorted rockfish. JP went to a nice Johnny bass about 8 or 9 pounds. Not an epic day, but the weather was great and everyone took home a nice feed or two. We didn't have time to stop to look for the YT. Another day, maybe...
Most fish were on the live dinos. On a couple of stops they showed a preference for mackeral strips, and a few came on iron. Simple double dropper loop with 3/0 or 4/0 hooks & 8 oz of lead was the common setup.
HD's Bait Bomb: Here's how ya make one. Take a 6X Jr sized jig equipped with one of those newfangled "stinger" hooks for iron. Hang what appeared to be about a half scoop of bait on the thing & heave it over the side. Bring a towel because the mighty splash of the bomb hitting the water might get ya wet!
![[Image: devil.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/devil.gif)
![[Image: shocked.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/shocked.gif)
This was my first trip on the Pacific Voyager out of Seaforth Landing. It has an excellent reputation, and well deserved. The crew were all hard working pros & took the time to make sure the newbies put some fish on the deck. The food was standard overnight fare. I had the breakfast burrito which was VERY tasty & filling, and made even better with a few dabs of HD's Honey Habenero sauce. WHOA! [shocked]
The coffee was pretty darn good, too. Mr Jeff does an excellent job in the galley
Bunks are arranged in kind of open "staterooms". 4 bunks to a space. Very comfortable. Double deckers with plenty of headroom. About as good as it gets on an overnighter/2 or 3 day. I'll certainly be trying to work in a tuna trip on the Pac Voyager this season and would recommend it to others.
I had a pretty good time!
![[Image: bigsmile.gif]](http://www.sport-fish-info.com/dcforum/dcpages/Images/bigsmile.gif)