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Full Version: Bugged by forwarded emails?
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[cool][#0000ff]Seems like every time you check your email you have one or more forwarded messages from somebody. Here's something that might help you deal with it.[/#0000ff]
[url ""]FORWARDED EMAILS[/url]
LOL!!! [Tongue][cool] I just forwarded that to all my friends! (just kidding) [laugh]
[Wink]Hey, that soap box looks familiar!
That sure looks familiar!
[cool][#0000ff]It should. Sorry I didn't give you the byline. But, we are all plagiarists anyway. Some of us are just more creative than others.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Share and share alike.[/#0000ff]
And all this time I have thought that every email I received from you was an original!
[cool][#0000ff]At my age and mentality, everything over a week old is original.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No such thing as reruns on TV and I can hide my own Easter eggs.[/#0000ff]
I guess that is why I lost my hair plus other problems. Hey everyone I will be forwarding this to all of you. In hope these problems will be corrected.
Pheewwww ..... I think I have five friends! What if you send it to people who aren't your friends?