Alot of old timey fisherman wait for that certain "sign" before they start fishing in the spring. For some it may be the arrival of robins in the yard. Others it may be the turning of the leaves from brown to green. How many of you have a "sign" you look for?
Myself, I don't get serious in the freshwater until I start seeing the gar floating around on the surface. When they're out and about, I know the water temp is about right, bait fish are moving around, and the larger preditory fish are feeding again.
My general sign occurs when I look at the calendar. I don't watch for birds, nor the weather, nor the bite report. I will check for how much wind may be present in the area that I plan to fish and make necessary adjustments.
What does that have to do with my sign?? Everything because I only fish on the days that end in "Y". MondaY, TuesdaY,...........[cool]
anything will do for me. i will use any excuse- calendar, weather, birds, wind, whatever it takes! my best fishing, by far, is in july and august anyways. so i just do my best until then... then its on!
I remember my grandfather saying it was time to go catfishing when the spring thunderstorms moved into East Texas. He said the thunder woke them up and then they would start biting. (I found out later that the same temperatures that spawn thunderstorms is the ideal temperature that catfish are most active).
In Hawaii when the sugar cane starts to flower and tassels appear, it's ulua season. Also different trees flower at different seasons here. Each tree is associated with catching a certain kind of fish.
That's some pretty cool info Stan. It would be awesome to know which fish for which type of tree or plant. Do you have that info availible?
I have some old books around here so I'll do some research on the subject. Talk to some of the "locals"...... LOL
See you guys in about 2 weeks, I'm off to Japan to buy some of those $28 bass lures.
the old timmers around here say when the apple blossoms are out its time to start bullheaded.i say if i wake up its time to fish for anything
Here is the attachment.
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=15068;]](;postatt_id=15068;)
The buds are on my apple trees. It's time to kick some fish butt!!!
Hello All,
When I lived in California it was kinda of a fuzzy line because it all always seemed like spring. Now that I'm in Colorado,, WARMTH will be my sign, its starting to warm now, time to get on the water.
Hey Jen great photo, I saw your bass on the wall of fame also, all you need know is a BigFishTackle.Com patch for the front of that Cowboy hat! Let us know and we'll get you hooked up with some stickers for the trailer and a patch for your cowboy hat!
Hi Tarpon-4me,
On the the day of Spring Equinox, I start fishing in the Spring
] The day before, I'm still in the winter fishing mode and the day after I'm into the official start of Summer ... that season starts .... to be followed by the fall fishing season.
Fishing or thinking about fishing is a 24/7/365 deal
That's whats nice about SoCal angling. Even if it's fowl weather and the boats won't hit the salt, I can turn around and hit another stretch of water (somewhere else) and still make my day.[cool]
Hi Jen!
Welcome to BFT! Feel free to explore the site and if you have any questions, don't be affraid to ask!!!!!!!!!!
Here In New Brunswick,Canada..we have to wait till the season opens for Freshwater 04/15/06. But I look for is usually Robins as it means I can usually digg for Worms then.
As soon as the ice if off haha
The sign I wait for is the ice being off the lakes. For Rivers and streams, usually after runoff.
Same here, as soon as the ice is gone.
[black][size 3]For me, I fish year round,(FFing that is) but I guess my first sign of spring would be the Phone calls from clients that it is time to start guiding again. [cool] Refreshing break from tying on the windy / cold days.[crazy][/size][/black]
Lately, just seeing water is a good enough sign for me![cool]
We don't have ice up, ice out, ice off, or thin ice here in SoCal.
We do get our share of Wind on certain days. That's when I have to put away the flyswatter and use the sp....sp.....sppp.....You know, the other rod.[

[size 1]sp....sp.....sppp.....You know, the other rod.[

] [/size]
[black][size 3]SAY IT AIN'T SO[laugh] That's okay big guy, I have seen what you go after and Hon, you can use whatever you want (I got some dynamite[shocked] NAPOLEON DYNAMITE that is.....scared ya didn't I[/size][/black]