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Full Version: Noodling? Are you crazy?
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I've heard of so many people "noodling" for catfish and similar species of fish. Personally, i'd be too affraid of pulling back a nub from accidentally sticking my hand in somethings mouth I shouldn't have......Something with teeth that bites.[sly] I was wondering if any of our BFT members have "noodled" before, and if there were any horror stories you'd like to share?[cool]
Hi Tarpon-4me,

What's really scarry is the guys have these hallowed out logs they around in the nastiest water and they run there hands/arms waaaaay down them (underwater) to see if fishy is there.

Don't water m[#0000cc]occasins[/#0000cc] hang around places like that!

i used to have some friends that would try to entice me to noodle. I just never could accept the idea of accidentally sticking your fingers in the mouth of a large hungry snapping turtle. [shocked]

Those fools are totally nuts!!! I have seen several shows on TV about Noodling. Most of the successful Noodlers are missing more than 1 digit. A funny thing though.
They do it alot more in Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Alabama. And.......most of the guys look alike.[crazy]
hey, i would never call someone inbred because they are more dedicated than me! some guys are just hard core and willing to lose a finger or two! i think thats cool. i would never do it, but i think its cool. anyone who's willing to lose something so dear as a digit, just to do something they love, deserves some props! LOL
In no way, shape or form would I say that they are inbred. That could be descrimination or prejudice which we do not do here.

I guess my better wording would be in referrence to the Mullet style hair cuts and the funny teeth.[cool]
You forgot missing fingers[Tongue]
i was just giving you a hard time tubeN2! but, just so you know, i still sport a sweet mullet! (just kidding!) glad you have a sense of humor about this stuff. good topic!
That is kind of funny with the mullet and all. It reminds me of a trip down to not Louisiana..........I already live in Los Angeles.........I'm talking about Lower Alabama.

I stayed a Holliday Inn and I could swear that every male employee had a mullet. At the Wallys World next door, more mullets. The ABC store, the Kmarts, Piggly Wiggly, Krogers, Home Depots, Lowes, Applebees, Outbacks.........even the Chuck E Cheese had a mullet. They all looked alike.[laugh][laugh][laugh]
you think if they get a divorce that they still would be related lol
noodleing was named after a bunch of noodle heads lol any one willing to loose a finger to try and get a fish you can catch on a 15 dollar rod from wal-mart is a noodle lol but it does keep anheuser-bush in business lol
It would seem to be a lot of 'fun' from that stories that i have heard in the past. You can grab some real bruisers. I have seen a couple of the videos that one can find online....and I have also heard that peeps have perished from being drug under in that great catfish twist(unvefiried) think i will stick to line and tackle for my tales.

Considering the numerous accounts of divers spotting volkswagon sized cat's around dams and the aggressive, foul tempered nature of a cat, i'd say there are many occurances of an unknowing by- stander or noodler that's been drug under to a hapless death.[pirate]
I think that they keep all the liquid "Suds" companies happy.[crazy]
I too would rather play it safe. I would rather loose a hook,weight and a few feet of line instead of a finger or 2 or 3or5............[pirate]
well dont it a few times when i was a lttle younger but i used gloves.caught quite a few of them and a few things i didnt want to as well.freind of mine caught a snapping turtle like to have never gotten it off his hand.and a very large bowfin dang near bit my hand off good thing i was wearing mesh knife gloves. worst was a big old flat head that liked to have almost dragged me to the bottom before a friend of mine jumped in to help.dont think i would try it anymore as it is dangerous and a younger mans sport.
We are all glad to see that you made it safe and sound. How many fingers do you have on your hands??? ha ha.[cool]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]I've seen a couple of shows on TV where they were doing that. All I know is they are alot kraizeer than I am. They seem to get some bigguns though![/size][/#ff4040][/font]