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Went to Provo Boat Harbor From10:30 till 3:00 and not even as much as a snag on a stick [Sad]. Tried a lot of different things but no luck at all. But was nice to be outdoors anyway. Saw a lot of people out there but not seeing anyone have any luck either. Just wandering if any BFT'ers were out same time as me.
I guess I was just arriving (about 2:30pm ) when you were leaving . Took the boat out for a spin and broke in my new kicker . I fish for a little while but didn't hook any . I did run in to a guy that use to own my boat while launching and wanted to buy it from me . He told me he hooked one eye and seen several others hooked in the rocks of the south jetty . I did run into Fencekid and Angel out at the bubble up . Sorry I drifted over there lines , but it was a pleasure to meet them . Water was like glass when I took off for home .
that's alright about drifting over our lines, ya missed us, however, i was kind of hopeing you would snagg up with me just so i could feel some tugging on my pole! been skunked out there the past 6 trips in a row, and have almost forgot how a good tugging feels. it was good to meet you and your new trollin toy. sweet set-up. i'm sure we'll run into you again. laters.