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I have two questions:

1. Any recommendations on a wading staff that would double as a trekking pole? I was thinking about using an old ski pole I might find at a thrift store. What do you think?

2. I am wondering about a retractor, like what you would use for keys, only bigger, to use for keeping the staff close while in the water. I went out looking for something today, but I could only find ones with chain instead of nylon. I want to lessen the chance of rust. Tips please?

About a week ago I was in the Kings River wading across. I was using a trekking pole I borrowed from my Father-in-Law. It worked well however, when I got to a certain part of the river, the current was making the staff shudder. Is this because it was a collapsable pole, made of aluminum or because the current was too fast and I should be glad I'm not toast?[Tongue] Has anyone ever had the feeling of almost weightlessness while wading? Does this mean I was getting too deep? It's pretty scary to think that sometimes we come so close to buying it and we never would have known.
I made a couple of them, one out of maple I kept for my self and one out of oak I sold. I made them about 6 inches shorter than I stand. "I liked the oak one better"

I found saplings in areas that are scedualed for consturction. I chose a section where the biggest end is one and a half inches in diamiter and the bottom I fitted for a boot. I pealed the bark and allowed it to dry several weeks in the furnace room.

if you need it right away you can use it right away with out finishing it. you just wont be able to add the compus at this time.

on the top of it I perminatly mounted a globe compus on the bottom I mounted a rubber prostecous boot. "cane"

to keep it water tight I coated it with a thick coat of polymer. much harder and more durable than shalack.

to keep it near me there is a couple options, mount a ring that you can hook a clip on line. or you can go with the rout I prefer, use a sheith similer to that of a sward over the oposite sholder from your casting arm or oposit hip from your casting arm. a water proof canvas sock sheithe is all you need.

total cost with out the sheithe was under 6.00 each.

I would provide you a picture of it if my camera was working. I will make my self a note so that when I get it working I will post it here for you.

hope this helps
I bought one at Wally World (Walmart) for $24.95. Folds down to about 8" and comes with a holster and a leash. Point on the end grips real well.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there Discman - I have a one piece aluminum Track staff that I picked up from Sports Chalet for $25. It has a wooden knob on the end, a foam grip and a nylon strap. It also serves me well as a hiking staff and a balance rod for photo shoors. Here are some other comments I made earlier.[/size][/green][/font]

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