Fishing Forum

Full Version: Just Pure Luck
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Now, I am not much of a fishermen. I enjoy going once in a while for fun with my husband, Jon, and another couple, Jenny and Dave, who are our friends. Jon and Dave would do a lot more fishing and would find some neat spots for all of us to go on occasion.<br><br>One of the spots was not far from where I grew up. It was in the country hidden behind a field and a row of thick trees. No one would have guessed that it was behind there, but everytime we went, we were sure to find serveral others out for an afternoon of fishing. Behind the row of trees was a large mucky looking stream. I am not sure if it was a man made one or a natural one. It had large, steep embankments down to the water. It was a very peaceful area and many times coming up on to the stream, we would catch a glimps of a few deer.<br><br>There seemed to be many fish in the stream, but mostly Bullheads and what my husband called Red Horses. It was not a place that you would want to fish to eat, but we enjoyed catching the fish and throwing them back. The fish in there could get quite long.<br><br>One day while I was pregnant with my second daughter, we decided that we were going fishing with the other couple and stopped by this spot. Since the fish could get quite big in these waters, my husband decided that being pregnant, he did not want me struggling with a huge fish. With this thought, he decided that he would put a very small hook on my line. I did not even notice that the hook was so small that it would not be large enough to catch anything in there.<br><br>So we began fishing and all of a sudden, I was fighting with a fish. It seemed pretty big by the movements felt through the fishing rod. Jon volunteered to take over but I would not let him. I would not think about it. I finally got the fish out of the water, and Jon could not believe his eyes. The fish was one of the larger ones in the stream. We got him off the hook and through it back into the water so that we could continue.<br><br>Jon was amazed and confessed his deed of using a smaller hook and what his reasons were. He said he could not believe that I got that fish out of the water with that hook.<br><br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com