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DEP Offers Free Fishing Courses [center]CARE Instructors getting families ready for fishing season[/center]
The DEP’s Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education (CARE) program wants CT residents to know about great opportunities in their communities. While biologists busily stock nearly a half-million trout into state waters, CARE Instructors are teaching families across Connecticut how to catch them. "CARE family fishing courses impart the skills and information that beginners need to get started," said DEP Commissioner Gina McCarthy. "CARE training begins the fun adventure of getting outside with family of friends this spring." [font "Times New Roman"][Image: CARE.jpg] [/font] [left][font "Times New Roman"][font "Times New Roman"][size 2]Volunteer instructors for the DEP’s CARE program have taught 115,000 people about water, fish and fishing. They report that friendships they’ve made, plus the satisfaction of helping others, are what they enjoy most. Students say it is simply fun![/size][/font] [/font][/left]
CARE Instructors teach courses free of charge and simply need a local organization to provide advertising, registration and a classroom. Many courses already scheduled in cities and towns are listed at [url ""][/url] (enter CARE in the search box) or call the Inland Fisheries Division at 860-424-FISH.
A Hooked On Fishing Not On Drugs ® curriculum developed by a nationally-acclaimed group, the Future Fisherman Foundation, also adds a new dimension to CARE courses for 2006. "Fishing provides a relaxing time together in the outdoors, talking, laughing and doing something that’s just plain fun," offered DEP Deputy Commissioner David Leff. "Learning to fish is not only recreational, but educational as well. Adults and children can acquire lifetime skills together." [center][url ""]Press Releases[/url] | [url ""]News[/url][/center] [font "Arial"][size 2][url ""]Home[/url] | [url ""]Contact Us[/url] | [url ""]Search[/url] | [url ""]Feedback[/url] | [url ""]Website Legal Info[/url][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Send comments or questions regarding this site to[/size][#800000][size 2] [url ""][/url][/size][/#800000][/font] [font "Arial"][size 2]Copyright 1998-2004 Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection[/size][/font]