Theres been quite a few people going to powell lately and theres gonna be lots others going soon like me!!
] I was reading a post were someone was chuming for stripers throwing their anchovies in the water and i thought man thats gonna be expensive chuming like that for days ata a time and what if they dont show up.I was remembering when me and my 12 year old nephew who past away one year after we went to powell fished for the million dollar fish and how many fish we caught chuming my way.What i did i used a chum bag or you could use any mesh bag with tiny holes.Then grind a couple bags of anchovies in the blender but dont let the wife catch you
]Then freeze them and when you start fishing just start a drift with the bag on the side of the boat and make sure its frozen.We had so many stripers follow the oil slick and stay under the boat .They folowed us as we drifted and we just threw pieces of anchovies with just a hook and no weight let it drift and they would slam it!They would smell food and knew it was there and couldnt find it till we gave it to them.My nephew outfished me in those 3 days we were there but i was also to busy unhooking fish that he and my daughter were catching.I probably caught maybe 40 fish compared to his 100 plus but i will never forget the

he had those 3 days.He even got into the smallies and walleyes because they followed the oil slick to the boat to looking for food.Man i will never forget those days.[laugh]
[red][size 3]That sounds like a great idea. How much did you do at a time. I'm guessing a blender full or two of a pound or two or less? Anyone know what those chovies are selling for these days? [/size][/red]
I'll be in Naples the week after Easter, do you need me to pick up a couple of bags? I know the ones you speak of. Same ones we put chum blocks in when we fish Yellowtails.
FYI if you are going to Powell at Page buy your anchovies down there they cost about a dollar less then SLC area....
A bag of chovies in Walmart at Page $2.15.
Ocean that is a great idea about the oil slick eminating from the frozen block of ground chovies.
Thanks I will have to try that.
Ocean if you go down again before I do, Let me know how your frozen block of ground chovies does compared to those who are chumming!
I've also seen them at Sportsman's for around $3.00 a bag.
And use your buddies blender...I dont care how much viniger you run through that blender...youll never get the smell out..Yuck.[

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]A frozen chum bag .... yet another fantastic idea.
However, I heard that you can not legally chum on the Utah side of Lake powell. I would think that chumming at powell would be a legal exception just to help control the number of stripers there.
Can anyone expound on the legalities of chumming in Utah/Lake Powell for me?
Thanks,[/#002850][/size] [/font]
Chumming is legal at [url ""]Lake Powell[/url] for [url ""]stripers[/url] only, and you can only chum with dead anchovies.
From the proclamtion:
"Chumming is only allowed for taking striped bass. ONLY commercially prepared anchovies and sardines may be used for chumming."
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]So that means, commercially prepared anchovies and sardines can be ground up, froze and used in a mess bag to provide a chum slick? Sounds legal to me.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]BTW, this is a favorite technique that is used in saltwater fishing all the time. I'm sure Ocean has used it before in his saltwater fishing adventures in Florida. There are grinders, like meat grinders, made specifically for bait and grinding chum. Grind the chum up and place it in perforated containers to provide the chum slick. Frozen is really good for the "time release" method.[/size][/font]
Mr. Old Coot-
Chumming is fine on both the Utah and Az side of Lake Powell Was there a couple weeks ago chukin chum with the Az fish and game at a kids fishing clinic.
Man is it fun!
Catch and keep all the stripers you can . . . boy they taste good!
Hey thanks for offering to get me some bags but the dollar store here sells them as " laundry bags".[

] Frozen blocks are the best way to start out with.I take a cooler with dry ice and they stay frozen for days.I used 2 bags of anchovies in a block and i use about 2 blocks a day.I used far more bait catching fish than chumming.If you anchor you use less chum but drifting is the way to go.I killed them in moki canyon.Luckily there was no wind and we didnt drift much so the smell of the chum stayed under the boat and the fish finder also went almost all black a few times.I used this method in the ocean for yellowtail snappers and drifting for kingfish off miami. In the keys we would sand ball for yellowtails great method.