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I have never been a real avid fisherman but I do enjoy it once in awhile. The guy I was dating and my best friends husband, now they lived and breathed fishing.<br><br>We all enjoyed fishing at Lake Mead. They guys would go every day when they got off work and would often fish all night long. Sometimes Noreen and I would join them on these excursions. <br><br>All of us prefered Catfish. The guys had been going every day as usual and it was nothing for me to awake in the morning to find my bathtub full of swimming fish. <br><br>One weekend Noreen and I decided we would go with the guys. They were getting pretty upset with the fishing at Lake Mead because they had been catching nothing but Brim and Bass. We were getting hungry for a good meal of Cat Fish. Noreen and I decided we would go out there and show these guys how to fish.<br><br>We stopped at the bait shop and picked up the water dogs which were the guys favorite bait. Noreen and I had made a big batch of dough balls. <br><br>We pulled into Sandy Cove and the guys walked half way around to the other side. Noreen and I stayed where we landed. We threw out our lines and waited. Jack got the first bite. He caught a nice size Bass. He was upset about this and moved around some more. Noreen caught a catfish but it was not very big and she threw it back. I was still waiting.<br><br>Homer landed another Bass followed almost immediately by Jack with a Brim. Finally I had a bite. I could tell it was fairly big because of the fight. Everyones eyes were on me as I pulled in a big beautiful catfish. Then Noreen got another catfish, a nice sized one this time.<br><br>They guys were stomping and fussing but kept trying. Jack pulled in another Bass. I got another good bite and pulled in another good sized catfish.<br><br>Jack turned purple with rage. He came stomping around to our side, grabbed my pole and threw it out in the lake as far as he could. He then threw his line in from my spot on the shore and almost immediately hooked something.<br><br>He pulled and tugged until he finally got it in and landed. It was a big black boot. He picked up the boot and his pole and threw them into the lake too.<br><br>Homer always carried about a dozen poles in the trunk of his car so I just went and got another one and started fishing again. So did Jack. <br><br>This time though, Jack finally got the idea that the reason we were catching the catfish and he wasn't was because we were using the doughballs so he stole our doughballs and left us with the water dogs. We never caught another thing.<br><br>I live too far away from Lake Mead now but if I had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas tomorrow, I would go out and pick up Homer and head straight out to Lake Mead.<br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com