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Full Version: How Do You Put A Value On An Old Bamboo Fly Rod?
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I have a 1956 South Bend 9' Bamboo/Split Cane rod that I rebuilt a few years ago. New guides and seat. Is there a reference that would give a value to rods like this?
I'm sure that mine isn't worth very much because I had to replace the tip section of the 3 piece rod with a different piece of bamboo which matched the bottom quite well. Changing the seat to a modern wood seat added beauty but probably lowered the value. It is a beauty and I don't plan on selling it, just wondered what it might be worth.
It has an original automatic reel and an old small open spoked reel with it. I think that the open spoked reel may be worth more than the rod!
Do you know what the model # you have? I have a book with values. most of south bends 9' rods range 40.00 to 295.00 for premium condition.
I am not sure the effect of the rebuild will have on value.
I don't have a modal # just a Yellow and Red sticker that says South Bend A Name Famous in Fishing and hand written 57-9'located in the normal placement just above the handle.
I thought it was 56-9' but looked again and saw 57-9'.
It also has the original cork handle.
Model 57 the book shows 40.00 110.00 195.00
being rebuild I would suspect 40 to 110.
Thanks James.