Looking to take a group of older Scouts (14 - 19yrs) to Starvation for a summer camp and we were wondering about fishing at Grant Hansen Reservoir...
I know very little about this pond and am hoping some of you fine gents might be able to provide some basic info such as type of fishing it offers, licenses needed and other recommendations.
We're hoping to try a new spot with a little faster action than Starvation might provide... PB
I have never heard of Grant Hansen Res. I know nothing about it.
If I had a bunch of scouts staying at Starvation and wanted more action I'd head for Pelican. Tons of big bluegill. Piece of worm under a bobber, it's that simple. Much of the South side is Public access, there is camping and a launchramp and a toilet there.
Hey Troll-
Thanks for the input... we actually stopped at Pelican for a day last summer on our way back from the Gorge and had a great time, neat place for Scouts-
But Grant Hansen Reservoir is only a few (less than 20) miles away from where we're camping at Starvation and is said to be heavy with "bucket-mouths"... I'm just not sure if it's private- or on Indian property or ??. It dosen't even show up in the fishing proc-
Lets figure this out...PB
the place you are talking about is privite, but you so have a lot going for you at starvation and pelican, number one, at pelican dont go into the water, there is a bug that gets under your skin then dies and you are in bad shape. but there ar a ton fo blue gill in the lake. at starvation you have big perch , very large carp, large brown trout, walleyes ,and some say cat fish, i fish from shore in rabbit gulch out toward the mouth of the bay. some fish under the bridge and do very well. it is great camping at rabbit gulch, almost never any one else there , good luck with the scouts, i was scout master for years , much fun.
[url "http://www.duchesnegov.net/clerkauditor/2005minutes/052305.html"]http://www.duchesnegov.net/clerkauditor/2005minutes/052305.html[/url]
Try this. They are talking about aquiring public right-of-way. I think? It is 3/4 of the way through the minutes that they talk about Grant hansen owning the right-of-way.
[cool][#0000ff]I was told that the road down to Rabbit Gulch is closed now, due to some private interests buying the property and gating the road.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anybody else know something different?[/#0000ff]
The road to the little cove just north of the bridge on Highway 40 was closed by a private landowner. Rabbit Gulch is open and even has a State Park camgound with an iron ranger and a primative boat ramp (the old highway). Grant Hansen died a couple years ago and the private ponds are under new management. In the past, these ponds were managed for trophy largemouth bass and it was quite expensive to fish for them. I suspect it would be cost prohibitive to take a bunch of scouts there. I would suggest taking the scouts to Red Creek Reservoir or Currant Creek Reservoir. Both are close to Starvation and offer great bank fishing and camping.
I just posted on the other thread, but I think granita park is the place you are looking for,