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Hello everyone I am looking into buying a outboard for a boat i just bought but i cant find one big enough for my
needs i need a 50 horse or more used were could i look
Try you can also look back at the for sale threads there might be some for sale that have not been sold yet.If i see one when i am surfing the net i will let ya know.[Wink]
I'd also give Lee's marine in Hyrum a call. I hear he usually has some outboards for sale that might fit your needs.
DITTO[Wink],I agree with theekillerbee,
It also matters how much you have to spend,KSL does have a few that you can choose from,but some boats on there also have good motors and may be cheap enough that you just by the whole package and save some $.

try intermountian boat, he is just south of smith and edwards at willard , i just got an 83 , 16 ft bayliner, had to repair the floor , which was no big deal, i got it ceap enough. got a motor from lees marina in hyrum, got a total of 2400.00 in the boat . oh ya it has an 80 h merc. on it. good luck bee.
Lee's Marine is a great choice. Nobody knows more about motors. I have been looking for a motor for some time. I finally found one from a retired gentlemen who works on them (6 horse Evinrude). The one I purchased runs great and he gave me a great deal. I know he has quit boating due to health reasons. He has a couple of larger motors that he is going to be selling. He lives in Kearns and I could give you his number if you would like.

My advise would be to ask the following questions: How old is the water pump, will you start it up for me (submerged in water of course), do you run the gas out of the carberator after every use, and why are you selling it. Hope this helps.
Would you PM me his phone number? I need a couple of gears for the foot of my 6 hp Evinrude, maybe he knows someone that has some used gears. Thanks. WH2
Thanks everyone for all your help I will let ya no what
happens with my outboard hunting experience.