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Full Version: Me And Rod .... Down By The River
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Where is my favourite fishing spot? In the South Island of New Zealand, miles from ‘anywhere’, where the trout run wild and free beneath a slow-moving, icy-cold stream, while the air remains crisp and unpolluted! With the welcome arrival of spring, I wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else on earth!<br><br>Apart from my trusted ‘rod’ and tackle, I am alone; although I am far from being lonesome, as I have the untouched environment to keep me company. Through puffs of cloud hanging around a sunny early afternoon sky, a hawk is happily soaring the thermals, and as it does so, its beady eyes latch onto my activities in the hope of a free lunch! <br><br>Through the reeds I leave the soft, muddy embankment, and as my leggings become immersed in the crystal-clear knee-deep water, a shiver races through my body! After resting momentarily at a rocky outcrop in mid-stream, I close my eyes as I feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face. All of a sudden, I am aware of music nearby! Where is it coming from ….? <br><br>I lazily open my eyes; glance upwards and through a haze of unfocused vision, the credits are rolling off the screen in front of me!<br><br>Damn! The dreamy background music sent me asleep once AGAIN during ‘A River Somewhere’ … one of my favourite fishing programmes on television!<br><br>But what a delightful dream it was!<br><br><br>Submit your Fishing Adventure Stories to win great prizes at ReMemory.Com