
][font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] I was wondering if any of you fine Idaho fisherman can help me out here? A few years ago I was on a trip with my family and in-laws and we were driving to jackpot, there was a Lake that we drove by that was kind of large and looked like it needed to have a line in it. Unfortunately I was never able to get back up there to do that.[/size][/red][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3] Any idea what that body of water is and is the fishing any good there?[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Good question. Which highway were you on?
Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir isn't to far from Jackpot and is a popular place to fish.
Hey Dan,
How about posting this question on the idaho board???
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] BrianID, I'm not sure what highway it was , but we had just come through Twinfalls and were going to Wendover via Jackpot. Not sure if any help here.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Hey Pat , I thought that I did post this on the Idaho Board, sorry 'bout that.How you been?[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Probably was Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir. Salmon Falls Creek Reservoir is just West of highway 93 between Twin Falls and Jackpot. It is planted fairly heavily with rainbows but is best know for walleyes. I have a friend that has fished there a fair amount and have talked with several guys that have done well there. It is one of those reservoirs that I would like to fish but I never have enough time to fish all of the places that I would like to. I have a few hours this afternoon and the weather is nice. I think I'll go fish American Falls for a couple hours.[

Brian ID
Let us know how you do at American Falls Res. today. I would like to know if it is worth driven down there. I know there are big fish in there is it as good in open water as it is over ice?
I just posted a report. The catch rate is much slower than most places but the average sized fish is really nice. I talked to some regulars that said they have been catching some nice fish this spring.
American Falls is a very popular reservoir for open water fishing with bank fishing and trolling being the most popular. It isn't all that popular of an ice fishing reservoir because the ice season normally only lasts a month or two. As you may already know it was really hurt by the drought but is starting to come back.[

The reservoir is full of water now which allows a lot of the fish to spread out. If you have more questions about American Falls post under the other thread.
Brian is right, it is Salmon Falls Reservoir. I fished there some years ago, the lake has smallmouth, perch and kokanee, in addition to rainbows and walleye. It's a big lake with a lot of rugged shore line but I believe the Idaho state record walleye was caught there. Correct me if I'm wrong here guys.
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Thanks Curtis, it has been a long time since we were up there, but I remember how big and long that it seemed and was wondering if there was anything to fish for in there. Looks like I might have to put it on my list of places to go.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFDan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Idaho board rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You ask and members reply!
I need to make a trip over to your building soon and give you a hard time one of these days dude!
Thanks for posting here buddy!
[font "Arial Black"][red][size 3] Bring it on brother, your always welcome you know that.[/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial Black"][#ff0000][size 3]AFdan52[/size][/#ff0000][/font]