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Hey guys, I'm going to do some fly fishing this year from a float tube for early season trout (ice off) in a reservoir. should I use floating or sinking line. I'm pretty much new at this fly fishing stuff.
I'm mainly going to be fishing with wooly buggers. thanks chuck
[font "WST_Germ"][red]I will say you definitly need a sinking line. Try an intermediate (Cortland 444 clear camo is the best). With that however, you will need to count down at times to make sure you cover all zones. In the middle of summer I say a very fast sinking line like IV or V. I prefer Depth charge (in grains not rod wt, 150 for 5wt, 200 for 6wt). I use that all the time in the summer.[/red][/font]
[font "WST_Germ"][red]Also, understand that there is a wet cell kind of sinking which forms a belly while sinking (good for weedy places) and there is Density Compensated, which sinks uniformly.[/red][/font]
[font "WST_Germ"][red]Hope I didn't scare you on what to expect, but again I would say two more lines to start with, intermediate and fast sink.[/red][/font]
[Tongue][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]And when one is not as confident as flygoddess, do as I do. My reel is loaded with a floating line but I also carry with me a spool of sinking line.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black]Sorry, I do carry floating line on my toon also. In fact I carry two, one with a normal leader on it for the gulpers or risers and on with a 30 foot 6lb P-Line flouro leader for deep nymphing.
I was just trying to say on deeper waters, a floating line with split shot or those sinking heads are not really that great.
Dryrod has a good point though, all you need is the spools.
Thanks, looks like I'm off to get me some sinking line. later chuck
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Chuck, if you really wanna get silly, lets wave the fairy wands for some walleyes, white bass and kitties. Down at Lincoln Beach that is often in fairly shallow water so a sink tip or even a floating line will get the job done. I only use a full sinking line for dredging deep at Deer Creek or Strawberry.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]For the iceoff period at Strawberry, you can also do well fishing shallow. Big cutts and bows often cruise very shallow water looking for 'dads and minnows. Throwing big jigs (on light heads) in shallow water often produces some of the largest fish of the season for some guys. Same for fly flingers. Many early season berry fans fish too deep, especially right at daybreak.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I can also help you with some larger trout patterns, like the buggers, and in the bright walleye and white bass patterns.[/#0000ff]
Tube Dude is right and that is where an Intermediate is great. You can also count down to let it sink a little more (like 1" a sec.). I am not big on the sink tips, at least for stillwater, they work great on rivers. I just think full sink (density compensated) is a better all around line. I have both, but I am spoiled[Wink]. Like I said a Type II is a good all around line, river & still.
I went ice off the Strawberry last year and I was catching the big ones in 30' with black and purple.