Fishing Forum

Full Version: Anglers Asked To Support National Survey
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WASHINGTON, D.C.-The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is asking anglers and other fish and wildlife enthusiasts for their participation in the 11th National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. The survey is undertaken every 5 years and is funded by the multi-state conservation grant program authorized by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Improvement Act of 2001. It provides the only comprehensive statistical data available on participation and expenditures for hunting, fishing and wildlife-watching in all 50 states. The survey is considered a critical resource for Federal and state wildlife agencies, journalists, outdoor and tourist industries, local governments, planners, conservation groups and others with an interest in wildlife and outdoor recreation. Information for the survey is collected by the Census Bureau, primarily through telephone interviews to be conducted in through May and again in September to October this year, and January to February in 2007. Individuals will be asked about their participation and expenditures in several categories of wildlife-associated recreation. Results are published in a national report and in 50 individual state reports. Participation is voluntary and all responses are confidential. Data collected will be used for statistical purposes only and no participant can be identified from information contained in the reports.
OK, so where do we sign up or is it a shot in the dark they will call you?
[size 2]Hello GDN,
Thanks for asking. Yes, its a shot in the dark. The census bureau is randomly conducting the survey. The reason for the release was just to let people know the importance of participating if called on. [/size]