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Has anyone been up to Causey to see if the ice has come off or not? Has anyone ever had success catching kokes from the bank?
Fishing at Willard yesterday I spoke with a guy that was doing a creel survey and he told me that the ice is almost all off of Causey!
A couple years back, we managed to catch a couple over by the scout camp one day...kinda strange, but fun none-the-less. It's been a little slow the last couple of summers, but I usually get up there in my toon a few times to get the little buggers.
with the numbers we caught threw the ice this year i think the kokes are on there up cycle and it will be good for a couple of years. ive had good luck trolling a wedding ring and a worm up there. this year id like to get back to it and try out some of the shasta stuff.
Lets go! The new motor is ohnry! It needs to be trolled hard to straighten it's mean temprement out. Thursday looks like good weather. If you are interested, pm me.
"With the numbers we caught threw the ice this year". After reading a statement like that, it almost sounds like you were holding out on us this winter Petty.[Wink] Now if you will do that for the Willard's wipers, we might have a few more next year, LOL.