01-25-2003, 02:39 AM
this afternoon, after school of course, I went and fished on deer creek. the ice is about 5 to 6 inches depending on where you fish. I fished just of of the island and cuaght one pretty good sized perched that played with me for about a half hour before i could hook him. a word odvice for anyone going up after perch, dont put your rod down, they do not bite hard and it comes fast so keep that in mind.theres your report hope to see you out there.
this afternoon, after school of course, I went and fished on deer creek. the ice is about 5 to 6 inches depending on where you fish. I fished just of of the island and cuaght one pretty good sized perched that played with me for about a half hour before i could hook him. a word odvice for anyone going up after perch, dont put your rod down, they do not bite hard and it comes fast so keep that in mind.theres your report hope to see you out there.