i just got back from a two day fishing trip that followed a full moon. the fishing was terrible. we were trying for macinaw, rainbows, and kokanee. ive heard all of the moon hoopla and was wondering what you guys think? did the full moon cause the poor fishing? (it wasnt just us, a lot of others struggled as well)
we also had a storm move through on the first night. im sure that had some effect, but what about that darn moon?
I've had the full moon help on the salty pond, but fresh water seems to matter not. I too had a slow day sat. and with a front moving in it had all the good signs. We even laughed how this is one of those peak days. Couldn't prove it to us or the other three boats out. Some old southern boys swear by the quarter moon.
I remember we had a debate a while back about the validity of the fishing selection calenders that are based off of the moon phase cycles. It was pretty much agree to disagree- because people have had mixed experiences with it. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends the same way.[

I have gone through my fishing log books from the past. It was evident that the moon does play a key role.
Apparently the full moon does better for night fishing and the new moon gives better day fishing. First and last quarters have done equally good day or night.
I did notice a difference though when it was just before and just after a storm. The day after a storm was better and the day before a storm was worse. Barrametric pressure played a key role in the matter. When you get a low pressure system coming in, the fish will generally stop biting.[cool]
your observations on the moon would explain my 2 days, but as far as the storm goes? we fished friday and the weather was decent- it stormed hard that night- sat was threatening all day. both days were terrible fishing! im sure there is no one single phenomenon to explain every bad day of fishing! perhaps the run off had an effect too? who knows. one thing is for sure, i will have my revenge in two weeks!
Like previously said, i've noticed no difference in fresh water with the moon phase. However, in saltwater it's a major factor, and it's uncontestable. When there is a full moon or close to it, the tides are a great deal higher; atleast on the east coast. Everyone on my side of the hill, that lives on the water side, gets prepared when they know a full moon high tide will be comming around. The moon may affect things differently in different parts of the world or side of the US. I know in Guam, it didn't matter what the moon phase was or if it was storming. When I pulled the boat out of the bay, regardless of the conditions, I came back with 10 to 12 wahoo and sometimes released a couple sailfish or a lost white marlin.
As far as stormy weather, looking back on my previous years info, I caught my largest fish while fishing during the storm. Not before, not after, but during. I also notice alot of times that right before a storm, the fish seem to go into a feeding frenzy, and then it just quits. And shortly afterwards the storm begins. Coencidence? I think not.
I have always been a believer that no matter what the conditions, if an angler has enough skill, proper equipment, and generally good luck, you can find the fish and get them to bite 85% of the time. However, there's that 15% time period that no matter what you do they aren't going to hit anything. The conditions could be perfect, and you won't get a bite.
And that my friends is why we call it fishing.......Not fish "catching"[cool]
i remember one time out trolling pop geer and worm for cutthroats and rainbows that it started raining really hard. the fishing picked up dramatically so we put on ponchos and fished right through the downpour. we all got soaked, but man did we catch a lot of fish! its events like that that make me believe that there are multiple factors involved and its hard to pinpoint what causes what and when. but, youre right, thats why they call it fishing!
in my opinion, the storm did more damage than the moon phase. usualy fishing slumps after a major storm. reason is that lots of food is stired up and the fish have had a chance to gorge.
I do my fairly well during a full moon cycle. tho the peek hours may vary from month to month.
That's a pretty interesting concept. In which species are you refering to? I might have to plan in accordance with the moon phase and test that theory. [cool] It makes perfect sense really.
the ole full bellie thoery, I catch so many fish that are so full that you wonder why they would even think of swallowing your hook but they do, the next day the fish barle hit and the tummy is empty.
as for the moon I feel its just a thoery but who knows we dont have talking fish, so we will realy never know, the barometric presser seems to effect them but, once you play the presser thoery, it will turn around and make a lier out of yeah, though I like the presser high 30 inches or higher, but I will fish any moon phase or any presser level.
what greatly effects my fishing is the wind, high winds for a day or 2 gets the water murky and the fish I target seem to lay low in murky water, or move out of it, if its murky I drive the boat around till I find clear water and waa laa they are there.
I know some guys that play the moon and the barometric presser and I feel they just use it as a reason to sit on the couch lol any how lets go fishing, FISH ON!!!