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[center][#ff0000]This Weeks Winners wins [/#ff0000][#000000]"[/#000000][url ""][#0000ff]The Complete Fishing Comic and Joke Book[/#0000ff][/url][#000000][/#000000][#ff0000]

Week Ending 1-25-03: [/#ff0000]

I went to Pineview today and I tell you what I have never in my life seen that many people on the Ice before. We went out by Cemetary Point and the fishing was kind of slow. We ended up catching some Perch and a few Crappie. The Perch seemed to be a little smaller than the last time I went up but the crappie were pretty good slabs. We caught all our fish on Ratfinks and wax worms. Charturse seemed to be the color of choice We fished from 10ft to 30 ft deep seemed like the perch were in every depth but they just weren't that hungery.
glad to here that you caught some fish. I have never caught any crappie out there. what side of the point were you fish'n?
We were fishing on the North side of Cemetary. Most of the Crappie we caught were in the 30 ft range.

Good Luck and make sure you throw a couple back for me.
We went to Pineview Saturday. Caught 32 perch between 3 of us in 4 hours. Most were big, 8-10 inches with a few small ones. Fished the south side of cemetary point away from the crowd near the 3rd point to the west. Fishing started hot then stopped about 0900. Walked across the lake to the south and caught a half of the 32 over against that shore line. All fish were caught in deeper water, 25-35 ft. Got nothing in shallow. Saw some suspened fish at about 17ft on the fish finder but couldn't catch any and didn't see them on the camera, water clearity was too bad.

I seem to be hearing that pineview just is not as good in perch numbers this year. I was just wodering what is the main bait/jig that everyone is using this year. Is anybody trying the glow in the dark jigs or anything like that? Just wondering.

Thank you for the info.
I used a floresent green sparkle tube jig with a 1/64oz floresent orange head tipped with a perch eye. Bean used a 1/32 oz floresent orange head, no body, tipped with a perch eye. JMIG used a floresent green ice fly (of course, it had to be a fly) with a perch eye. The fishing isn't near as fast as it used to be but, the perch were nice and big. Not the 4-6 inchers that we used to catch.

well it is good to hear that it is the fish and not hte fisherman :} but if IFG cant get 100 fish in a day no mear mortal can :} just razzin ya IFG. Cant wait for the dinner on ice this weekend.
Just savin the IFG magic for the DERBY the week after next. Can't use it all up ya know. Thats why I don't fish the liquid ice. Gotta save it for the silly season. Wish I could attend the ice banquet, but, my kid gets into town Saturday and I guess I should be here. She shows up once every three years and has to pick this weekend. I wonder what she needs this time? Between cars and lawyers what she owes me could equip with me with a brand new set of snow machines....or one fly rod.