Fished the Wallsburg Bay state park area from 3:00 to 6:30. Fishing was slow we only had three bites, two on worm, one on a gold kastmaster.
What were you fishing for trout or walleye? Did you get a water temp? Thanks for posting your report. WH2
Though I didn'y make it myself to DC, a friend up here did. He told me water temps in the mid to high 40s by days end. Claimed to have picked up 4 eyes (him and his kids) over in the flat area. Judging from the number of boats over there Sat. afternoon I don't his report. There were more fishermsn on DC Sat than I have seen in the last 3 years this early in the season. Most seemed to be at the main launch until the afternoon, then it seemed they all moved east to the flats. It was killin me to drive by and not be able to stop. To many honey dos yesterday. About the same today only her car is fixed, the sons is another nightmare. Tryin to seank off this afternoon.
Thanks for info Road, hope you were able to get out today.
Clebreto, if you dont mind my asking, what size kastmasters do you generally use for trout and do you have much luck using the kastmasters? Any color paterns that seem to work best and what fish do they work well on? Any info to aid in my pursuit of fish would be appreciated. [

Went to D.C. around 4 p.m on sat. until dark. Went to the north-west side and caught two browns and five bows along the white looking cliffs on silver and white cranks. The water down there was five degrees warmer than at the ramp. I was fishing in about 10-20 feet. I marked alot of fish down there and was having a tough time marking them at mid lake.