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Full Version: Freshwater fishing report
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I went out on the little pee dee friday, but I think the water was just a tad bit too low for the catfish. The bream were bitting very aggressivly, if you knew where to go. We could have filled the boat with bream if we wanted that day, but we just needed a few live baits. I hit my favorite hole by the bridge, but only one small flathead. I lost something big though. We even had to unanchor the boat and chase it down. He got under a snag before I could really do anything, and after about 6 or 7 minutes of tub a war trying to get him around it, the snap on the leader finally gave away. Just my luck I guess.

I did manage to catch a huge crappie, I think it was a freak of nature. We were fishing in about 15 feet of water and he nailed a beetle spin only about 2 feet under the water, and right at the boat. I must have thrown 200 more times with 6 different more lures and never caught another one. Usually where there is one, there are many more. Little Pee Dee is funny like that though, there aren't too many crappie in that river. Not like santee or wateree. I weighed that crappie on my scale, that sucker wieghed 1.4 pounds. That's a big crappie.