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Full Version: sand hollow this weekend
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[cool][blush]went up saturday afternoon for a day of bass huntin'. got there bout 2 or 3 and hunt4bigbucks was there at my favorite spot(apparently i described it fairly well to him in a pm[Wink]) talked to him they said the fishing had been good. so i tossed in and caught a whole buncj of nothing!!! decided i didn't like the new line i had put on the nite befor so i cut it off and restrung and on the first cast with the new stuff caught a 4lber!!! i just couldn't feel the bites till i had good line. worked the shoreline till sat evening and hooked into about 15 total. then it got dark and i didnt feel inke driving home to vegas so i got a room in hurricane and turned it into a two dayer[Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile][Tongue]!!!

went back sunday morn and it started slow. i wanted to tube but it was windy and rainy. rain doesnt bug me but i hate wind in my tube!!! im to fat to work hard enough to fight it. so i stayed on the shore or wading up to waist deep. caught 21 on sunday before i hit the trail. had to stop in st. george for a pastrami burger at iceberg. with all the talk about food on here last week, what you can get in vegas but not utah, i thought i better take advantage of what i can get in utah and not vegas!!!!

stopped by quail on the way out and didnt get any action, first time being skunked there but i only gave it 30 mins. did see two kids catch a big crappie and kill and keep a nice bass in the slot[mad][mad]. wish i could have found a ranger before they split.

anyway it was a good weekend, caught 36 fish total and a nice sunburn. senkos is all i used, wacky rigged, salt and pepper or watermelon/chartruese were the key........i'll be there next weekend fro friday nite till sunday.

here are some pics of a few fishies and some scenery. its hard to take a bunch when yer by yourself and waist deep in water.
Well, you didn't do to shabby yourself, It was an awesome weekend to say the least. I need to go buy some more senkos, we just about ran out, next time I go I will have plenty, those are nice pics considering you were by yourself![Wink] Hope to see you again. , down there.