Fishing Forum

Full Version: Finally its done!!
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I finally closed on my home wednesday!Now i can start concentrating on fishing next week! Man burrastonspond was getting old.It has been stocked i guess since there are planters everywhere and they are happy to take your lure ![Wink] It was fun catching them bows but now its time for bigger fish !!!!!!!
Soooo......where did you move to? I remember you mentioning you might move to Payson before. Is that where you ended up?
congrats on the house deal. i would rather take a butt whooping than move again. lmao
[cool]Congrats on the house, ocean, but now you have to move all of your crap into it don't you? I remember what a pain in the butt that was, and unfortunitely, I have to do it again at the end of June.

So what town is the new house in, Cesar? You still in Nephi?
Man they took their sweet time didnt they, promised monday, delivered on wednesday......sounds alot like cabels shipping department.

Was it all worth it to move all the way to mona?
[pirate] Man you got that right about Cabela's I been waiting for over two weeks for my marine radio that suppose to only take seven days to get. [pirate][pirate][pirate][pirate][pirate][pirate][pirate][pirate]
I ended up in mona.Found a home with lots of land for horses so i couldnt pass it up.I wanted to move to payson because of the drive but now its only a 12 minute drive to work.Cant wait to move in and get my toon ready!!!!!!!!!I might just take it out on a test run monday morning somewhere.
Call them, they had a glitch in their ordering system, 1-800-237-4444, raise a little hell, i did and they promised me that my trolling line would be here tomorrow, But now i see that it is still pending, so i guess i didnt reaise enough hell, they dont want my next phone call
Cool. You're positioned nicely to fish [url ""]Utah Lake[/url], [url ""]Yuba[/url], [url ""]Scofield[/url], [url ""]Electric Lake[/url], [url ""]Huntington[/url], etc.!
[cool][#0000ff]I'll be down at Lincoln Beach Monday morning. I am doing a "prefish" to check out fishing for the Wednesday kitty flotilla for the upcoming article in the Tribune.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Bring that new toy down and let's get it properly initiated.[/#0000ff]
Hey that sounds good.What time are you planning on being there?
[cool][#0000ff]I will be launching off the shallow beach right in front of the restrooms about 6:30 or 7:00. I will be fishing in easy view. I may kick down as far as Benjamin Slough.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Do you have minnows or should I bring some for you? Got carp meat too.[/#0000ff]
My mother in law would never let me store bait in her fridge!!! [sly] Yeah i would need to borrow a minnow or two.I would probably be there by 7am.Gonna go dig out my toon out of the storage unit sunday and try to install the plate ironworker made for me.That way i would have somewhere to keep some tackle.Also i think i left all my life preservers on the boat unless i left one in storage i will have to look for one tomorow or buy one at wally world.Cant wait for the baptism of my toon!!!
[cool][#0000ff]I'll see you about 7 then. I will bring some catfish size minnows and an extra PFD. How about a fish basket? Anything else you can think of? PM me if you need to.[/#0000ff]
Ok i went to the storage unit today and it took me forever to find my toon!Didnt find any pfds and i did find my waders but no boots but i did find sams fins so i guess i will use that.And no i dont have a fish basket yet i need to buy one.I will stop by wally world in payson on my way back tomorow hopefully with some kind of fish even if it is carp.Sams been begging me for fish but its kinda hard to go fishing these days.Thing should settle down by the end of the week i hope.See you at 7am.