Fishing Forum

Full Version: willard...
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im headed to willard bay saturday... and sunday... i will be fishin from my tube.. if anyones out there.. please... come say hi... i will probably be near the south marina.. along the south to south east dike somewhere... holler if u see me... i love meeting new members..
Well i would come say hi again but willard plans this weekend were dashed by a drunk driver on weds eve. My truck has been totaled and now have nothing to tow the boat with. My boys and I are alright and the drunk was taken to jail, but it is leaving me scrambling for a tow to the tourny and cutting into my wiper practice.

Lesson to those that must drink, If your going to drink and drive, do it on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere! Also please get insurance!

Hey u been back up to glassmans since i last saw ya?