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Its been to windy here sence wednesday to get out fishing, jope fully it will calm down some, the water is so murky up here it will take a couple days to clear up so I can get out fishing, I will have a report soon as things calm down some and I can get the minnow in the water, good luck to you that are fishing the trout streams for the opening week,FISH ON!!!
The wind wasen't too bad Sunday , it was my only fishing day this week .
They must have done the yearley plant on the Au Sable , I had one fingerling after another ripping my spawn to shreds , not one steelhead showed up .
My bosses son is an avid steelheader too . He cought 3 browns and one steelie on the Rifle river this weekend , drifting worms !
Crappie fishing has been the target of most the guys in my area , they are doing quite well in the coves .
Rain is planned for the weekend , It might put a damper on my boating trip as well .
we had a south east wind for the last 4 days, I should have been out walley fishing.

today we broke in to a no wind day, and the drizle just sat on top of us all day. well at least the part of the day I was concous. [blush]