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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]Finally a Beer to Fish Weight Ratio has been defined....[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]This Sturgeon was caught on the Fraser River just above the Mission bridge two weeks ago. [/size][/black][/font][font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]It weighed out at over 1,000lbs and measured out at 11'1". [/size][/black][/font][font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]It was 56" around the girth and, [/size][/black][/font][font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]took over 6 and a half hours and 4 dozen beers for the 4 guys taking turns reeling. [/size][/black][/font]
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These guys couldn't be from Idaho... only a 12 pack apiece over 6 and half hours?[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]In any case, an impressive fish.[/size][/black][/font]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=15852;]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4]Below are a couple of web sites showing these large fish.[/size][/black][/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"][black][size 4][url ""][/url][/size][/black][/font]
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[cool]Holy Sturgeon, Batman!! Now THAT'S a fish! Let's see you top that one, kentofnsl...

Thanks for sharing.
I seriously doubt that there are any monsters left that are that large in The Snake River these days. I have seen pictures of sturgeon taken out of The Snake River that were substantially larger than the above fish, but putting in all of those dams and the allowing of the keeping of the large fish, way back when, has probably removed all of the sturgeon over about 10 feet. I will be content with catching my 8 footer this year. Someday, I will make it up to The Columbia River and hopefully catch me one over 10 feet long.
[cool][#0000ff]You need to quit fishing between the dams, for those tame sturgeon, and go fish the Hells Canyon area. Still some in there that are over 12 feet. They would probably sneer at your nightcrawlers though. They like bigger trout.[/#0000ff]
What a monster I only dream of fish that big. Holy crap robin!!! Thanks for shareing
Dang...that is a fresh water whale! Woulda been fun to fight.