Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fishing is Great up here!!! picture added!!!
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Well guys it dont get any better than it was today, got a limit of whitefish and trout and salmon, one steelhead was a good one prolly 4 pounds spawned out hen, dinner was great all you can eat whitefish and morrels, gave the trout and salmon to the freezer for the carp shoot dinner in a few weeks.
Fieldwalker let me know when you will be back up this way so we can plan a fishing trip, the fish are hitting hard now and the shrooms are sticking the heads out good now and its pose to rain tonight, so i should have a big bunch for the freezer, have a great day, FISH ON!!!
kool, were you able to turn one in to a fishing photo entry for our 16 species contest?
dave i got a picture I will try to post it tomorrow, the pic has one trout, one salmon and one whitefish, i realy dont know whats up with this 16 fish contest, I did catch 17 fish the other day, does that count ? FISH ON!!!
[Image: 402896.JPG]

here they are the trout is 20.5" the king salmon jack is 18" amd the whitefish is 20" ok lets see if this picture works, FISH ON!!!
[size 1]that would make three valid 16 species entries if that is you holding the fish [Tongue][/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Photo Gallery[/size]
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[size 1]when you upload them select 16 species contest.[/size]
dave I told my wife she had to get my ugly mug, the fish and the tape with the bft logo in the pic, yes that is me or atleast what you can see of me any how, i am holding the fish, i will be out a lot in the comeing weeks, tell me more about this 16 fish deal, or where to read more about it, thank you, FISH ON!!!
Here is where to enter...
[url ""]2006 16 Species Contest[/url]
Open April 1 through December 1

Here is where to read up more on it... this is your score board that will show your current standing (usualy about a week to update) just look for the edited by me at the bottom of the post to check when the last time I edited to make sure I did not miss your entry.

[url ""][#000000][size 1]4th Anual Ultimate 16 Species Fishing Contest 2006[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] [/size]
Fishing wasen't too shabby up my way either .
Roosterfish showed up around 3:30 Friday and we were on Lake 4 by 4:30 .
We had pike after pike on , I had one monster that broke the hook off of my daredevil spoon .
Later the bass started hitting , again , one after another .
Saturday we hit Secord Lake for some Muskey , one hammerhandle landed , one nice one lost at the boat . I forgot the net ! We went back to lake 4 to finish out the day with not much action being had other than a few more small pike .
Sunday put us at wiggins lake , LMB's were hitting , a few perch were cought and then we went below the dam . Roosterfish got a couple nice white suckers and some rockbass while I ended up with a few gills .
The boat trailer was the only thing that didn't do too well on our trip , the new bearings gave up sometime during our adventure . It's only a hour fix , but that's an hour of fishing I'll loose .
We'll be putting the pics as entrys into the 16 Species Contest .
[crazy] I guess you can tell that roosterfish was still logged onto my computer when I made that post , LOL !
Anyway , we had a great time on the water . Had a time I thought he was going to send me swimming , I went to cast and didn't let the bail open . wham , right in his back , not once but twice in a row [shocked]! When the fish are hot ya' kinda loose track of those kinda procedures[blush].
Got to do some work on the fishing rods , I've used them so much the tips kept flying off on every other cast . I'm thinking of a little sanding and aplying some wrap to the end to keep a snug fit . [cool].
I like foxy poxy my self. no fuss no mess, and when the tip comes off it is because the end of the rod came off with it... [pirate]

I know most people use hot clue so they can take it back off, I dont understand why?
Whoops !
We had my 2 and 3 piece rods with us , we were left standing holding the butt end while the top half went out into the lake with the lures [crazy].
that is both a good thing and a bad thing,

on the up side you have to go shopping,
on the down side you have to go shopping.

I hate when I do that. especialy if I dont have another rod and a spider to fish my rod back out of the lake.

Yes there is a valid reason to have a spider in your tackle box, it just isnt leagle to have it in your posession while fishing....
did you get my message? whats happenin memorial day weekend? wanna go fishin'[cool]
jUST think , if a fish hit the lure he not only would have a hook in his jaw but he would run the risk of getting his eye poked out at the same time , LOL !