Fishing Forum

Full Version: Mudmat here in CT.
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Mudmat is native to Australia, and found it's way here by peaple useing it in aquariums. Once in a lake it can be transmitted by birds as well as boats. Pickerel Lake as well as Hamburg Cove,and Mansfield Hollow have Mudmat and having had tried to fish two of these lakes I can tell you it's rough stuff to get a trolling moter through.[pirate] Allways wash off your boat when you get home, or your faverite lake may get this weed. [Sad]
I hate to say it, but it sounds like it is time to start bleaching lakes.

that means a couple years of no fishing, but it may be worth it in the long run.

I wonder what happened to the banning of foregn fish as bet law....

Michigan has one comeing fast.
Davet our state doesn't have a law like that pending. Not a bad idea before it gets out of hand.