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Rode over to LB yesterday. We didnt arrive until after 4.30 (and I'd already pissed myself off by waiting for the dang Nascar race to air,,, #$*&!!!*&!!.
Anyways we didnt put a lot of effort into fishing trip. Basically just drove out the south dike, sat the chairs up and fish next to the car. We only stayed about and hour and a 1/2 because the sun got the best of me and had my eyes and knoddle feeling like I was staring into the sun. But we managed to have a few bumps at our lines,, no fish come ashore tho'. But hey it was great to just get out of the dang house and breath semi fresh air. Hardly a bug to be seen!
BTW,, guess what? I can still cast a line so all is not lost,,,, the important things still work!! [Wink]

Tell ya this tho',, with all the talk of open water at Dah Berry the old green Goblin might make a run to the Dah B sooner than expected,, HA!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Ya can't keep a good man down...or off the water.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just be careful ya don't overdo anything.[/#0000ff]
Yeserday was a good day to be outside,I am glad to hear you made it out there for awhile.
Nice to be out of doors, I'll bet. Glad you could get some fresh air. I'll bet your doc wouldn't approve of Nascar pissing you off![Wink]
Glad to see you made it back out throwing a line.. Hope you're feeling better.. I love watching nascar too, the next 2 weeks are sat.night races...
Its always good to get out for a minute and do some fishing. Utah lake is getting more and more active...
[cool]Holy shnikey's, Don! Glad to hear you are out of the hospital and back to your old honory fish whoopin' self! Too bad you didn't get any fish, but at least you got out and got that nice fresh air. Best wishes to ya on your continued recovery!
hey old time'er good to hear your out and about!! shoot me a PM and we will set up a fishing thing!! lol
i just got back in sunday and looks like i might even get to hang for a while..
Well well well look what the channel cats threw back. How ya doin Don? we have got to get together to wet a hook. I can hardly wait to hear the stories you have to tell <grinning>. All those cute nurses and candy stripers.
Good to see you posting and out in the great outdoors again Don . Go slay them at the Berry .