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Full Version: Atlantic / Pary boat trip
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[Sad][Sad]Last Friday the 5th we got out of Hampton Beach on a party baot for ground fishing. The water was good and the weather was good but the fishing was off. Out of 4 hoours of fishing I only boated 3 fish and one of those was a short. Report from the weekend were a little better. This week also looks better so some of my friends are going back and try again. We did see a lot of whales and seals. Nice trip just no fish. GET THEM NEXT TIME. CHIEF
Sorry to hear it Chief, what were you fishing for?
We were out for cod and Haddack. My friend who went with me on that trip went again yesterday and had a little better trip they each brought home ten pounds of fillets. This is my bussy time at work so I couldn't make it.
Hello Cheif,
Glad to hear things are heating up, hope you get a chance at some fillets soon!