Fished Waheap area Friday thru Sunday in morning and evening trips. Striper fishing was very good by the dam and also good in nearby canyons. Anchovies with no sinker. Fish up to 30" and up to 8 lbs. I read reports of skinny stripers, but we sure didn't find them - a few 16 to 18 inch fish, but average was 20-24". At the fish cleaning station some anglers had ropes full of stripers too heavy for two men to carry, (probably 40 fish) they were dragging them on the ground. We caught fewer fish (eight to ten per 1/2 day of fishing) but they seemed larger sized. Also fished short brushy side canyons and caught smallies, largemouth and found larger schools of sunfish. Bass would take 1/8 oz green flake curly tail and crawfish brown spider jigs. If you get a chance to fish Powell in the next few weeks - take it.
Thanks for posting your report and welcome to the site. Sounds like a great trip, how warm were the temps down there(water and air)? WH2
Air temps in the low 80's (that's about to change) and water at 61 degrees. Very pleasant. Give it a month and reach for the cool drink and search for shade. Some real trophy fish being taken from Last Chance and Padre Bay areas. Should last for a few more weeks.
Thanks for the info LF, I sure wish I could get down there but I guess I'll just have to read the reports of all you folks that do make it there.[unimpressed]WH2

] I'm going down to Powell May 17th on my first fishing trip there. Thanks for the post. It is good to know what is working to catch some fish. I will report when I get back!!!!
Luv2hookem: Bullfrog, Hite or Wahweap?
Sorry I got back to replying so slow. I will be going down to Bullfrog. Two more days and I will be gone. Can hardly wait.
I'm sure you've gotten lots of tips, but I always like to try Stanton either on the way to other spots or on the way back. Caught my biggest largemouth in Utah in there, and many other species including crappie, and few years ago a school of huge bluegill. Good luck and take your sun screen it's gonna be HOT!