Fishing Forum

Full Version: went fishing for the past couple of days,,,,, had some luck
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well, i was hitting up a dam of which i was told about from my soon to be father in law. well, i was really only out for maybe 2 hours and had some good bass biting(smallmouths only). then the last 2 days i went to a little duck pond here in adrian and had a good day with the little panfishes, caught 30 bluegills and 2 rock bass. yesterday i went out to the same spot, when it was downpouring and caught a good size bass with poorly rigged crawdad but all and all i had a good time getting what i could within the times i was out(maybe a total of 5 hours). hoping to get out sometime if it stops raining.
That's a lot of gills !
Don't let the rain stop you , I get my biggest fish below the dam right after it rains !
Toss out a rapalla and hold on , I''m sure you will have some fantastic fish to post in the 16 species contest !
yea, i was shocked with all the gills i caught. i need a camera to do some pictures, hopefully i'll get one.
good to hear someone is catching fish, keep them good reports comeing all ways like to hear for others and how they are doing.
soon as this wind dies down some I will get back out, its been blowing hard up this way for bout a week now, where I fish this kinda wind makes it a ruff ride in a 1000 foot steam ship lol FISH ON!!!
i went out last night and i was using a cheap dollar tree swim shad, caught a 2lb smallmouth.
I hate when you do that...LOL

EL cheepo's kill me....LOL

realy I am just jellous, I can never catch a fish from a dime store lure.... I go arrrrgg when I see a kid show up with one and pull in a big fish next to me with one of them buggers... Of corse that would be one of them days when I dont have one of them dime store lures with me...LOL it seems to be the only time they work is when I dont have one on me....[blush]

congrats, you are a two pounder ahead of me, I also know you caught it by axident cause I know you wouldnt be targeting them out of season when the state laws say you cant catch and release bass out of season... [Wink]
well, i lost my job so i have to buy the cheap stuff! but i had more luck with the cheapies than i do that high dollar ones, don't know why?! i don't tend to get bass but it happends![Wink] ok so i do but some people say that bass aren't in the pond until i show them. when is bass season anyways?!
It always opens at twelve am on the saturday before memorial day....

I've got my go to lures too, when I am not screwing around or testing new lures. which reminds me, I have to get on the water soon, I am late getting in my reports for extreem lures.

I lost my job about seven and a half years ago, still looking for a new one, some woman speeding in an astro van decided she wanted some chump change, and I was going to be the chump she was going to get it from....[pirate]

and that she did, about forty five K's. then she had the gall to try to sew me twice, second time in another cort. Clamed I had no insurance, My agent had just paid off on her claim six months earlier.

I was just thinking about the car axident a few days ago, and it dawned on me, she had to have sped up to hit me, reason being is she pushed me sixty five feet side ways, if her story about me running a stop sign was true (which it wasnt) and she had hit the breaks we would have seperated after impact. the fact that we were still conected tells me she had her foot mashed on the gass peddle before and during. I remember she had time to blow the horn so she had time to step on the breaks.

I bet any amount of money she saw a big chevy suberban and thought cha ching..... then floored it.... on top of already speeding. she hit me so hard I smacked my head on the pasenger side door... or should I say she smashed the passenger door is so far it smacken me in the head.
ummm the state of Michigan now allows C&R bass starting the last saturday in April.

Moderators should be required to at least read the fishing guide book and know the basic rules and regs.
Thanks for Ringing in Scott.

Now why should I go and read the book? [crazy]

Especialy when we have mighty fine anglers such as your self who can at any moment correct us if we havent caught up to the new rules that came up in 2006 [cool]

you do know that the rule you stated only applies to the lower pen. the upper pen begins on may 15th. and that dose not apply to all lakes for there are lakes with special regulations and you will need to know if the lake you are fishing on is one of them....[Wink]

I could look at the new drop shotting rule, as most anglers know that method of fishing in michigan has been outlawed for years, just look at excerpt and tell me what you think of this one [Wink]

[black][size 3]New regulations are in effect for the 2006 fishing season![/size][/black]
[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black] [ul] [li]Gear Restrictions. Changes to the gear restrictions order were made to allow anglers to suspend a weight below a hook tied directly to the main line (without using a three-inch dropper line) on certain waters. The method of using this gear is called “drop shotting” and will now be legal to use on inland lakes, the Great Lakes and connecting waters. However, the gear restriction is still in effect on all rivers, streams and drowned river mouths where snagging potential is highest. The list of drowned river mouths by county is: Kalamazoo River and Silver Lake in Allegan County; Betsie Lake in Benzie County; Arcadia Lake, Manistee Lake and Portage Lake in Manistee County; Pere Marquette Lake in Mason County; Duck Lake, Mona Lake, Muskegon Lake and White Lake in Muskegon County; Pentwater Lake, Silver Lake and Stony Lake in Oceana County; Macatawa Lake and Pigeon Lake in Ottawa County. [/li][/ul][/black][/font]
[black][size 3]The above is directly from the Michigan DNR web site. Follow this link for more information.[/size][/black]

MDNR Fisheries make Michigan bass season recommendations for 2006

At the August 23rd coolwater external committee meeting, the MDNR fisheries staff unveiled their recommendations for the 2006 Michigan bass season. After going through their recent thoughts on the situation combining public meeting comments, studies and survey comments, the MDNR announced they will take the following recommendations to the Director and the Natural Resources Commission (NRC):

1) Keep the existing bass season opener on the Saturday before Memorial Day, and the existing 3rd Saturday in June opener on the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River system;

2) Catch-and-Immediate-Release (CIR) of bass will be allowed statewide on all waters of the Lower Peninsula from the last Saturday in April until the regular bass season openers, and from May 15 until the existing regular bass season opener in the Upper Peninsula. All waters statewide include all inland lakes, rivers and streams, and the Great Lakes and connecting waters. Exceptions would be existing special regulation lakes and areas to be spelled out in the regulations.

3) Eliminate the special April 1 opening on the 6 test bass lakes so they will now open at the same time other lakes open since these lakes are no longer being studied.

- A monitoring and assessment protocol will be implemented to evaluate the new regulations structure.
- A fisheries order will implement the new regulations with a 5-year sunset clause although any serious concerns could be addressed before the 5 years are up.
- Special regulations areas such as the Beaver Island Archipeligo and the Sylvania Tract are still under review.

The MDNR will review the CIR season for the lower Great Lakes since the main concern for the initial start date is to match existing pike, trout and walleye season openers, and these Great Lakes waters are open all year. MDNR fisheries leadership will announce their recommendations on this suggestion later this fall.

Now that the MDNR fisheries has announced their initial recommendations, the next steps in this process are:
- Input from this coolwater external committee are considered;
- Post card data received back from anglers who did not respond to the mail survey are analyzed;
- A final report is written which will be presented to the Director and NRC;
- Fisheries leadership provides their recommendations for information to the NRC at the September 8, 2005 meeting in Houghton, MI;
- The recommendations are presented for public input and review at the October NRC meeting in Lansing;
- Action is taken on the recommendations at the November NRC meeting;
- The final outcome goes to the MDNR Director as Fisheries Order 215 for signature to enact;
- The new fisheries order would go into effect April 1, 2006.

The MDNR also announced they are going to a 2-year fishing guide effective 2006 as a cost-saving move, so there would be no further changes to fishing regulations until 2008. This was a factor in the final decision Fisheries made regarding the bass season issue and why it made a big difference the change could go to the Director as a fisheries order instead of action that required legislation.

[size 5]There are more changes! Click on the link below for additional information! Grab your reading glasses and your Goodies Head Ache Powder for this one guys... wholy kowz...[/size]
[size 5][/size] [center][url ""][#0000ff][size 3]DNR Web site at[/size][/#0000ff][/url][/center]
It's a whole lot of information to take in , that's for sure !
The fishing guide is just that a guide , not the complete set of rules regulations and laws that we must abide by .
Enough to fill a library , Hmmm , ya' think they have one in Lansing LOL ! ?
I'm confident that the B.F.T. members try to keep ourselves updated on fishing regulation changes , after all , fishing is what we love best ! Remembering all of them , just impossible .
I guess that's why we discuss stuff like this .

Kinda makes me wonder sometimes thou , Some stores sell "worm inflaters " , last I knew they are illeagle to posess and use while fishing in Michigan .

Bigfoot hunting is a no-no in our state . I'm glad too , I got big feet !

Did everyone know that it is a requirement that before you head out the day each opening season begins you must go to the D.N.R. website and check for any last minute changes in the laws dealing with that activity ? I recived that bit of information strait from the D.N.R. Post in Gladwin .

yep, I would be sureley upset if after all the years we've been supporting our D.N.R. and our legislators with our tax dollers that all we have to show for it is that little fishing guide [crazy].