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Went on Friday afternoon and launched at Strawberry Bay. The wind was West to Southwest at about 15 mph and white caps were forming on the bay. Fished Mud Creek area, Haws Point, the Narrows and a couple of other spots. Concentrated on 10-20 feet of water. Numerous fish on the locator. We used jigs, wolly buggers and hardbaits mostly. The water temp was about 44 F at 5 feet and it was more turbid than I have seen it in a long time.

Once the sun got low in the sky the wind died down and we hoped the fish would turn on after sunset when that big full moon came up. No such luck. Landed one cutt that was in the slot on a Lucky Craft pointer Nishiki color scheme.

Did anyone else get up there this weekend?
Took the wife and buddy out to the SC side on Friday, started fishing about 4:30. We fished near the damn, behind a hill and got some wind protection. 4 minutes after the first cast I had a 14" rainbow. 5 minutes later I got the second pole going and started using a black jig. On the 3rd cast I landed a 20" cutt. In the next hour we landed a few rainbows and my wife ended up catching a 17" on powerbait.

We ended up with 14 total fish in 4 hours. 12 bows and 2 cutts. The fish were very selective, we had worms, eggs, marshmallows, and 8 colors of Powerbait. 12 fish caught on a neon yellow PB, one on rainbow (floating next to yellow), and one on a jig. there were 20 or so people fishing by us and no one else caught a fish.
We fished the Renegade area on Friday as well and caught 16 slot cutts. We were throwing white and black and Berkley rainbow jigs tipped with night crawler. We were working the shallows along the shoelines. The fishing was real good for about the first three hours and then it quit. We launched at about 6:30 in the morning. We also picked up a few trolling in the later morning hours using a planer board to get out black and gold Rapala into the shallows. The wind starting blowing about 10:30 and got pretty stiff when we left about 2. There were three or four guys having a heck of a time loading on the ramp at the Strawberry marina with the wind blowing from the west. We were hoping the fishing would be a little better. Hopefully it gets going in couple of weeks.
[cool]Nice report, glad you caught some fish. The wife has AWESOME taste in hats. Go Cougars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!